

Oh Em Gee!!

I am soooo far behind on not only posting but reading all of the blogs that I LOVE reading every single day!! You see, this is my first day back to work since last week. {I only blog at work because, well honestly we don't have the internet at home, GASP!! I know...I don't like it but I deal with it!} And in case you were wondering, no I wasn't on vacation....I got an extra little Christmas present from someone in the form of pink eye!

I'm going to show you all what I looked like but only look at my eyes and don't pay any attention to me looking like a hot mess! :)

That is how I woke up Monday morning...well after I was able to open my eye, when I first woke up I couldn't even open it because it was so full of gunk!

Anyways, since I haven't been to work all week until now I'm going to be crazy busy getting all of the end of the year stuff done within two days...I'm going to have so much fun!! Hopefully I will be able to sneak on a couple times and try to catch up on everything and get some more posts up!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Oh dude. There are no words. That looks painful as hell. I hope you are feeling better.