
Bachelor Brad

So, it's Tuesday, which means yesterday was Monday...therefore one of my favorite shows was on last night....

And just in case you don't watch the show and forgot what Brad looks like, here he is again.

I will give you a minute to wipe the drool off your mouth before you keep reading......

When the show first started I didn't really have any "favorite" girls but now that it has been on for a couple of weeks things have changed a little bit. There are definitely some girls that I like and others not so much...let's just say that their "true colors" are starting to show.

Lets start with some girls that I like....

First up is Emily, as one of the girls said on the show last night she "looks like barbie and has the heart of Mother Theresa and no one hates Mother Theresa".

Then we have Chantal, I'm still not sure why I like her exactly but I think she is a good fit for Brad.

Next is Ashley S. I'm still on the edge about her. She seems like the average girl next-door but there is something that tells me she doesn't make it to the final 2. 

Here is Ashley H. She got the first impression rose on the very first night and she had the first one-on-one date with Brad. After their first date I really started to like her, she seemed like a pretty cool chick. After last night I'm not so sure about her anymore. Her exact words to Brad last night at the cocktail party were "if you don't feel exactly the same way about me as I feel about you then don't give me a rose and if you are on the fence between me & another girl give her the rose." WTF?!?! Seems to me like she is turning into one of those whiny bitches that cries because she isn't getting enough time with the bachelor. So I'm on the fence about her...I'll let you know after next week's episode.

Last but not least we have Michelle. My feelings about her....THE BITCH IS CA.RAZY!! She really is, I'm not telling one single ounce of a lie with that statement. Seriously though, she's a the crazy one on the show. It's so bad that I actually wonder if that's how she really is or if she is just putting on an act for the cameras. She thinks that she is the one for Brad and has basically said that she doesn't understand why the other girls are there. She is quite annoying to watch and listen to for that matter....during the group date they shot an action film and while Brad was kissing another girl she was covering her eyes with her hair...grow up!! She also has this habit of butting into other people's one-on-one time with Brad and it's pretty creepy. Brad will be having a nice conversation with a girl and Michelle sneaks up and watches/listens until Brad sees her and then steals him away...right in the middle of a freakin conversation. I understand that it is important to have that "special time" with him but you could be a little less creepy about it. I would love, love, love to see her go home but Brad made the comment last night that he really likes her certain things about her...don't remember what it was because I was in shock. She definitely knows how to manipulate a man....

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