
30 Day Challenge: Day 9

Day 9: A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.

This one is a total no brainer!

Hands down, without a doubt my mom! She was a single mom for the majority of my life and did pretty much every single thing that she needed to in order to be the best mom she could be and she is definitely the best mom ever! Even to this day I can call her up with any situation and she gives me advice, I swear she knows it all!! She is also a pretty amazing grandma even though she lives across the country!


Adrien said...

Yay for great moms! Don't you hope our kids will say the same kinds of things someday? :)

Nicole said...


Sarah said...

Amen for Mamas :)

Kim said...

your momma is very pretty!!! & I agree, Amen for great Mamas!!!