
Confession Friday

I confess that I am a horrible secret keeper sometimes...especially when it's a good secret and everyone should know what it is!!

I confess that I slept in Keegan's bed with him the other night. Yep, me & him in his twin size bed....he came into our room right after I laid down to go to bed and I asked him if he wanted me to lay with him in his bed {so he wouldn't wake up daddy}, he of course said yes so I went in there, fell asleep and was woken up at 4:45 by Ryan telling me to get back into our bed. He couldn't understand why I would of slept in there all night....it was simple, Keegan doesn't snore & he stayed on his side of the bed....not sure what other explanation there is for it!! However, I don't see it happening again!

I confess that I have worn my hair in a ponytail & put a hat on every single day this week for a couple of reasons 1: I'm lazy 2: I got my hair cut a little different last weekend & I don't like it...at all 3: I have a huge scrap which turned into a scab right in the middle of my nose from when Keegan & I were wrestling, note to self: take glasses of before wrestling with a 3 year old. 

I confess that I am totally kicking myself in the butt for saying some things recently and am feeling really bad about it.

I confess that Keegan ate goldfish and sticky fruit snacks {aka gushers} for breakfast yesterday...yes together & no I didn't feel like fighting that battle.

I confessed that I still haven't finished my project yet...no idea what happened to that week deadline I gave myself?!?!

I confess that I bought bananas when I went grocery shopping the other day and the whole time in the back of my mind I knew that the probably won't get eaten...guess I will just have to make some banana bread if they don't! :)

I confess that I'm soooo happy that Easter is only 3ish weeks away, I'm thismuch closer to being able to drink soda again....but as I type this I just realized that I don't have anything ready for Easter yet!! I think I need to get my butt in gear and get some Easter sweet tarts {you know the ones shaped like ducks and bunnies} and some egg dying supplies!! I should probably let the Easter Bunny know what to put in Keegan's basket too!! Of course I have Keegan's outfit ready to go though....that's the most important thing!!

I confess that I got really excited when I won 12 swagbucks at one time...that's the most I've ever gotten at one time!! It's the little things in life that make me happy plus I know exactly what I'm going to use the gift card for when I get it!!

Your turn....what are you going to confess to this week?!


Adrien said...

I confess that we're ALWAYS horrible breakfast eaters around here. Doughnuts, cinnamon rolls, pancakes...we probably get our entire sugar allotment for the whole day before we even get dressed!

I love those Easter sweet tarts! The ducks and bunnies just taste so much better than regular sweet tarts... :)

Cassie said...

I confess that we promised to get Stella a car DVDV payer for her birthday and well tomorrow is 2 months past her birthday and we still haven't gotten that dvd player. AND we are taking a long trip this weekend. looks like i might be making a midnight run to walmart to get on tonight. whoops!

Sarah said...

I confess that when I am too lazy to shower I put a ball cap on. I made the mistake of telling some friends that one time. Now every single time I wear a ball cap they ask me if I showered that day. Jeeze Louise!!!

Luke needs a Easter outfit too!!! Some of them are a little too....well ya know. Cute for newborns..but I don't want my toddler looking like a sissy.

Heather said...

I confess that I have been secretly drinking a regular soda a day when I say Im only drinking diet.