
Is it wierd....

*that I still have the pregnancy tests I took at the beginning of this pregnancy?

*that one of my biggest pet peeves is when the drawers on a dresser aren't closed all the way? Seriously can't stand it, drives me insane....and my husband does it every.single.day of his life. {and yes, I take the extra couple of seconds out of my day to close them}

*that I'm obsessed with looking at this picture...

yes....a picture of myself. I just can't stop looking at that baby belly for some reason.

*that it has gotten to the point that Keegan will now ask me to pick his boogers because he knows that I'm going to do it anyway? {another pet peeve: kids with dirty noses}

*that I called and rescheduled my next dr appointment because I don't like the dr that I was suppose to see? I saw him once, wasn't impressed at all and just wasn't comfortable seeing him again with the issues that Carson is having with his kidney. {aka: I was afraid he wouldn't order another ultrasound if it is needed}

*that the only kind of orange juice that I will drink is Sunny D {only the smooth style though}?

*that I'm also obsessed with looking at the pics from the last ultrasound I had done?

*that I won't share any of the Christmas gift ideas that I have recently come up with for Keegan & Carson with anyone else? What is Santa going to bring them if I give all my ideas away?!

*that I like to eat mayo & ketchup only with Burger King fries?

*that I'm pretty much counting down the days until all of the new shows start this fall? I can't wait for "Up All Night" & "The Playboy Club". Seriously, this clip is hilarious!!


Sarah said...

You are so normal!! LOL

I would however put a stop to picking Keegan's boogers before he goes off to school. That could a potential bad situation. haha

And......I love love love your belly. So stinkin cute :)

Cassie said...

I LOVE that clip too. I saw it on TV the other night and laughed out loud. I know EXACTLY how she feels. I am excited about that show!!

Heather said...

Ooooohhh...LOVE smooth Sunny D!! That's my favorite. And it's so much cheaper than OJ.

sblind2 said...

I agree with you on the drawers...I had to close Matt's this morning. Another thing that drives me batty is when people don't clear the microwave.....like you take your food out before the buzzer goes off and the display is on :20 instead of the time. OMG....it kills me!

Sarah Birkner said...

I still have my two pregnancy tests that I took in my bathroom drawer. So if it weird, I'm right there with you :) Also, you look adorable!!

@Sarah--the microwave thing drives me crazy too. Jeff is really bad about that.

Meagan said...

Glad to know I'm normal!! :)

bahaha Sarah R...he is starting to pick his own boogers now but he always asks me to get the ones he can't get!!

Yes, the microwave thing drives me crazy too!!

And thanks for the compliments Sarah & Sarah...some days I don't feel too cute, especially when I start waddling! lol

Adrien said...

Pretty sure I found a pregnancy test from EVELYN in a box the other day. Not really sure why I'm hanging onto that, haha. Our dresser drives me insane because it's old and the drawers don't push in easily so they're always partially pushed out. HUGE pet peeve! Yep, I'd say you're normal. :)

Jen said...

sunny d is the BEST!!!!!