
did & didn't

I'm totally, 100% stealing this idea from Adrien, I'm not afraid to admit that I'm a copy cat! It is a good way to recap the weekend without rambling on & on & on...which let's all be honest I tend to do every once in a while!


Went to two birthday parties. One for a 3 year old & one for a 30 year old! Oh yes, Ryan and his friends are all reaching that 30 year mark, which means birthday party after birthday party....seriously, we have had 3 surprise 30th birthday parties in the last 4 weeks!

Went pumpkin picking!!

 More pics to come later!

Made a menu with different supper options....along with a grocery list to go with it!! Yes, I'm feeling fine, not sick at all....just trying to cut back on the randomness that usually occurs when I go grocery shopping.
Sat on the computer pinning stuff on pinterest for hours & hours....when people say that site is addicting, they ain't lying to ya! However, I've found lots of yummy {at least they sound yummy} new recipes to try out!

Watched the movie Everything Must Go....just an fyi, it's one of the stupidest movies ever. 

Went to my first Pampered Chef quarter auction. Just in case you were wondering, I didn't win a damn thing.

Made the amazing caramel apple dip that Sarah made the night of blogger bunco. You guys have no idea how happy I am that I found that recipe...thanks pinterest!!

Pay any attention to my poor house...it seriously needs a good cleaning!

 Paint my toes....this has become one of those tasks that is almost impossible to do! Thank God it's getting colder out and I don't wear flip flops every.single.day anymore!

Take any naps {the fifteen minutes I dozed off in between birthday parties on Saturday doesn't count at all}. Now days, that is very unusual for me!

Sleep with the bedroom fan on high, on second thought maybe I am starting to get a little sick! Ha, just kidding not sick at all but that is seriously a big deal in our house.

Think that is about it, can't really think of anything else that we did & didn't do...which is kinda sad considering that it is still technically the weekend since it's Sunday night!


Stephanie said...

we watched the same movie...and yes it was the stupidest movie EVER!

Adrien said...

Can't wait to see more of those pumpkin picking pictures! Definitely one of my favorite things of the season! :)

Heather said...

I need to borrow a kid so I have a reason to go to a pumpkin patch.

Meagan said...

Me too Adrien!! Ryan wanted to go one day last week when it was really warm & I said no way....that is a fall thing, the weather needs to be chilly!

Heather, Im sure Keegan woukd go back in a heartbeat....you can have him!