
bump watch

 Sorry for the repeat picture....forgot to take one when I got home from my appointment today and I have since taken a nap and well, not really in the mood to take another one! Pretty much look exactly the same though!

How far along: 31 weeks 5 days

Total weight gain/loss: 29 pounds....

Maternity clothes: Oh YES!! In fact I've already had to put some away because they don't fit anymore!

Gender: BOY!! Carson Charles

Movement: all.the.time! I swear this kid never sleeps!

Sleep: Oh how I miss it! I have noticed though that I sleep much better when I have the bed to myself...

What I miss: walking up & down the stairs without having to catch my breathe afterwards....being able to paint my toenails =/

Symptoms: heartburn {still}, lots of lower back pain, and a weird one, whenever I've been standing for long periods of time my shins start hurting, guess from the extra 29 pounds I'm carrying!

Cravings: nothing in particular lately, pretty much anything & everything!

Best moment(s) this week month: getting the all clear from the specialist at St. Mary's about his kidneys, HOWEVER, that also means I won't be getting anymore ultrasounds done! I asked today if they would and the dr. said no....oh well, at least he is healthy!


Adrien said...

No kidney troubles?? Yay!!! Carson must have lots of hair if you're having heartburn. :D I'm sure you've heard that a lot, haha.

Meagan said...

Well, there is still fluid in his kidneys but apparently the amount that is in there is normal and nothing to be concerned about. The amount of heartburn that I'm having is ridiculous...he might need a haircut as soon as he's born!

Sarah said...

YAY for healthy kidneys!!!

I had HORRIFIC heartburn with both pregnancies. I thought I was going to die. I don't have any tricks to help you. In fact, during labor with Logan it was so bad I would of taken no drugs IF the heartburn would of gone away. I thought the moment he came out the heartburn would go away, nope! About an hour after he was born I begged the nurse to make it stop. She gave me this oversized coffee creamer looking container. Took it like a shot. It was the nasiest thing in the world but I didn't have heartburn EVER again!! ASK FOR IT!

Christine Pettijohn said...

Congrats on the news about his kidneys! I had horrible heartburn with Isaac and eat Tums like candy, it helped a little. Wish I could tell you something for it but I got nothing. I know how bad it sucks.