
Picture Day...

Oh the joy of school picture day! I completely forgot about Keegan's "school" pictures being done today until I saw the poster yesterday morning! It's a good thing I remembered then and not this morning when I dropped him off!

At least I had all day yesterday to figure out what he was going to wear....then I realized that he didn't have any nice shoes that fit him anymore! Ugh....why do kids have to grow so fast?! All he has for shoes right now are two pairs of tennis shoes {both of which look crappy}, two pairs of flip flops {both of which are a tad bit too small because his feet grew almost two sizes over the summer}, and a pair of brown sandals {which wouldn't go well with a fall background}! Luckily Payless is on my way home from work so I stopped by yesterday to see what they had. To my surprise they have their famous BOGO sale going on right now....score! I went to his section and of course they didn't have much of a selection, not to mention they didn't have the kind that I really wanted. Then I didn't know what size to actually get him so I used the BOGO to my advantage and decided to grab two different sizes just to be on the safe side! I found a pair that I liked grabbed one size, went to get it in a different size and guess what?! They didn't have it....go figure! I found a different style that I liked but wasn't crazy about them...that was until I saw they were on sale for $9.99! Yep...they looked a lot better now! :) I grabbed both pairs of shoes & went to checkout. The first pair was marked at $17.99 {which by the way is ridiculous for a pair of shoes for a kid who is only going to wear them for a couple of months} but when she rang them up it said $14.99! Don't forget about the BOGO...the pair for $9.99 ended up being $4.50!

That's right....I got these shoes for only $4.50!!

I had every intention to take the pair back that didn't fit Keegan but once I got home & tried them on him I decided to keep them both! :) I mean he will grow into the bigger pair and when he grows out of the other pair I won't have to worry about finding shoes again...not to mention I wouldn't be able to find another pair for $4.50!

After all of the shoe issues I realized I had know idea why I was so worried about it. It's not like I'm going to be buying these pictures anyways...why you ask? Well, Keegan is known for not smiling for pictures. And it's not that he just doesn't smile, he also gives what I like to call "who the hell are you" face to the photographer!! {If any of you know Keegan I'm sure you know what face I'm talking about!!} And school pictures are always right before his birthday, which means he will be getting professional pictures taken soon and I can almost guarantee they will come out good!

For example...his two year pictures:

Which is actually not that bad, but trust me there are other pictures that have been A LOT worse! If only he would smile all the time like when he was a baby!

Oh well....I guess every kid has bad school pictures at some point in their life! 



Adrien said...

Great scores! I feel your pain on the shoes. Evelyn needs some new shoes for fall (she only has sandals and one pair of tennis shoes), but she's fitting in a four right now PERFECTLY which means in a month or two they'll be too small. But fives flop right off of her feet at the moment. Ugh. So basically, I know whatever I buy her will fit for maybe two months and it'll be time to go shopping again.

Love the pictures, haha. Too cute! That's so funny about his expressions. I definitely had some whoppers for school pictures when I was little, so I'm just waiting to see what Evelyn does. :)

Cassie said...

I totally agree, stressing over pictures that I probably won't even buy. Ha, and Stella has her 8 month picture session in a week from today.
Why we sress about little things is beyond me....

Can't wait to see how his pictures turn out, I love the "who the hell are you" look. Cracked me up!

Meagan said...

I've had some not so nice school pictures too Adrien but I would like to blame mine on the clothing and hairstyles of the 90's! lol

I'm interested to see how they turn out also!! And I would consider that a nice "who the hell are you" face...they are usually more mean looking with no facial expressions at all!