
Back Pain

I'm going to be completely honest with you...I have nothing to blog about today! Well, it's not so much that I don't have anything, it's more of I'm in too much pain to execute my ideas!

You see, it all started on Saturday. I was doing some major cleaning around the house, everything was going great, I was getting a lot done and then all of a sudden I started to get a sharp pain in my lower back whenever I would bend over or try to pick something up. It hurt pretty bad but the pain was tolerable to I kept cleaning until it was time to get ready for my dinner date with my fabulous hubby.

The pain never went away and throughout the night it just kept getting progressively worse. By Sunday morning I could barely move....literally, I was walking like an 80 year old woman. It hurt like no other to move in any way, especially when it came to the motion of trying to sit down or stand up from the sitting position. Needless to say, after shedding some tears, Ryan helping me get dressed {seriously, he had to help me put my pants on}, taking multiple pills {which none of actually worked with taking the pain away}, and getting a heating pad I was planted on either the couch or the recliner ALL day. I did manage to get up and walk around a little bit but not much.

I woke up Monday morning feeling a little bit better, I managed to get myself ready and out of the house to go to work {which wasn't the best idea in the world but I did it anyways}. I made an appointment with the chiropractor first thing in the morning. I've never been to one before but I was told that I needed to go see him ASAP!

Like an idiot, I took a late afternoon appointment instead of a morning one and the time couldn't of gone by fast enough. I was anxious all day to get to my appointment and hopefully find out what the deal was with my back. Finally, the time had come and I was in the room getting examined. After taking an xray of my back it was clear as to why I was in so much pain and it turns out my thought of it being a pinched nerve was wrong.

My spine looked perfect, nothing wrong with that, but my pelvic bone? That's what the issue is! It turns out that the right side of my pelvic bone is shifted up and pushed forward...hence all the lower back pain that I get all the time. He said that it is something has happened over time and it is finally to the point where I can't take the pain anymore. He did some stretching and popping and said it should get better within a couple of days. God I hope he is right!! This pain is like no other and so far no pain medicine that I've taken has worked to relieve it. Not to mention I would like to sleep in my bed again, I can only get comfortable on the couch so that's where I'm sleeping lately.

Do you know how hard it is to take care of a 3 year old by yourself when you can barely walk and can't bend over or reach for anything? Let me tell you...it ain't easy! And of course this just had to happen during the week that Ryan isn't home all week...you see he is taking a class every night after work and won't be getting home until 9:30 every night. Needless to say, I'm not a happy camper! And poor Keegan...last night he got the pot out of the cabinet for the spaghetti, got my pajama pants out of the dresser, put the detergent in the dishwasher, got a dish cloth out for me to wrap around my ice pack, and picked up a couple of things I dropped on the floor all because I can't bend over!

So here I am...sitting at work {which by the way sitting makes it hurt the worse so I've pretty much been in constant pain all day since all I do is sit in front of a computer} with my ice pack hoping that the pain goes away so I don't have to use a 3 year to do everything for me.

And I'm not even going to get into the issues I found out about with my neck...let's just say it isn't how it is suppose to be. And I was told that I need to stop popping my neck...which I do about 82730 times a day. I have no idea how I'm going to break that habit! But on the brighter side...I now know the reason behind all of my headaches and will now be getting that worked on!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I hope you get better soon! :( I'm glad you saw a chiropractor though, I work at a chiropractic college & over time it really does help!