
Two Months

Can you believe that Christmas is exactly 2 months from today?!?! If you ask me, that is just plain crazy! Where has this year gone? Time has been flying by way too fast and I wouldn't mind if it would just slooow down a little bit! {Yes, I realize that it isn't even Halloween yet and I'm already talking about Christmas....but it's my favorite holiday!}

You know what this means don't you...there is only 8 weeks left to get all of that shopping done! And if you have 92738 people to buy gifts for like we do, then there is a lot to get done in a short period of time!

Luckily for me, I've gotten an early start on my Christmas shopping this year. Usually, I'm one of those typical "wait to the last minute to get everything" type of people but not this year! I usually wait since, as we all know, everything goes on sale right after Thanksgiving but I have to say I've gotten some pretty good deals already! And I'm happy to say that I'm almost done with all of Keegan's shopping already! Usually I don't start on getting his presents until after his birthday...since his birthday is in November it is hard to know what to get since I don't know what he will be getting from all of the 5639 people that get him 93027 presents! But this year if he gets something for his birthday that I've already bought for Christmas, it's going to get returned!

I have to say, I'm getting a little help this year from an awesome app that I found on my phone...it is called "Free Christmas List" or what I like to refer to it as "A Christmas Life Saver"! I don't know about anyone else, but I like to keep all of my Christmas shopping stuff organized. Every year I make a list with everyones name on it that we have to buy a gift for. Sometimes, if I already know what I want to get the person & I go ahead and write what it is next to their name. When I'm all done shopping for that person I simply cross their name off. Well...things have changed this year thanks to my handy dandy Christmas list app! All I do is type the person's name in, add gifts under their name, the amount, and if the gift is bought or not. Then, it keeps track of how much you have spent for each person!! I absolutely LOVE this...it is so much easier then trying to remember where I put my stupid list of names at! And if I have ideas for a certain person I can put those in and mark them as "unpaid" and simply change it once I buy something! Now I have my list with at all times just in case I find something I want to get! If you are able to get this app on your phone, I highly encourage you to do so!

Something else that I've been doing differently this year...taking pictures. There are always so many people asking me for ideas as to what to get Keegan and usually my response is "I have no idea". Then, one day when we were at Target I kept seeing lots of great ideas to tell people but I knew I wouldn't remember any of them so I decided to pull my phone out and start taking pictures of the toys! I might have looked like a crazy lady walking around taking pictures of the toys with my phone but now I can remember all of those great ideas! I have tons of pictures on my phone right now of different gift ideas if anyone ever ask for some & I can show them a picture of it just in case! I know what you're thinking....I'm a genius! :) And yes...feel free to steal this idea!

Have you already started Christmas shopping too? Got any good ideas or tips to share to make it an easier task to get done?


Cassie said...

Can I get that app for my blackberry? Where can I get it from? I'm so excited. lol.

Meagan said...

I don't know if you can get it for the blackberry or how you usually get your apps but on my phone I have a "market" that I go to and download the apps from there. You can just search the name of the app and see if it comes up.