Last night when I got home I was doing stuff around the house {I probably should have been making supper but I didn't feel like it}. When Ryan got home I was going through all of my coupons and making my list of what I need to get from the store on my way home tonight. Since today is trash day for us, Ryan started emptying all of the trash cans and since we have a ton of stuff downstairs {he started ripping out the paneling in the toy room area in the basement} he went down there to get it all.
Just an average night nothing too out of the ordinary, that is until Ryan yelled up the stairs....
Ryan: "where did these bar stools come from?"
Me: "what are you talking about?"
Ryan: "the bar stools that are down here"
Me: "shut-up, there aren't any bar stools down there" {he always does stuff like that to see what my reaction will be to things}
Ryan: "yes there is, come look"
I got up, started walking down the steps and saw this....
What the....?!?! I couldn't believe it!! Ryan was actually telling the truth, there were bar stools down there!! Which by the way weren't down there in the morning because I went down there to get a shirt to wear!
Yep....they were for us!
These are the exact stools that I really, really wanted from Target!! Something funny about these stools....I went on Target's website the other day to admire them and they were not available anymore!! Well they had them in the shorter size and they weren't on sale anymore, they were $20 more than before!! I was soooo bummed about it and started my search for the perfect stools again......but now I don't have to search anymore!! Knowing that the stools are no longer available made the surprise even better!!
The bar area looks so much better now! {just ignore all of the crap sitting on top and behind the bar!}
Keegan enjoying the new stools and a cold beverage!
I want to say a big, big THANK YOU to my mom and to Ryan's parents for getting us these stools!!
Apparently my mom ordered them and had them shipped to Ryan's parent's house and his dad put them together for was such a nice surprise and really the only thing we wanted for Christmas! And just so you know, they didn't break into our house, Ryan's dad has a key & a garage door opener in case they ever need to get in the house.
that is so awesome, and those stools are soooo cute!! yay!
Thanks!! I think they are freakin' adorable....just want Ryan wanted in "his" basement, cute & adorable bar stools! lol
What a great surprise! I'd love to come home someday and find some new furniture waiting for me. :D
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