
I'm just sayin...

  • the amount a state can charge for sales tax is crazy...is a 17% sales tax really necessary, I mean really?
  • when your 3 year old son says "mommy, what are those two things under your shirt?", it's time to start making sure he isn't in the room when you change clothes!
  • I do NOT drive a mini-van and if one more person calls it that they better watch out, even Keegan knows that it isn't a mini-van...and he will tell you "Mommy does NOT drive mini-vans!"
  • Oxy Clean has a bigger piece of my heart now that I have a child who refuses to poop on the potty.
  • waterproof mascara should really be called "there is no chance in hell you are going to get this stuff off your eyes, even if you use eye makeup remover".
  • the DVR is the greatest invention ever, it even beats sliced bread!
  • the extra 30 minutes it took me to get to work this morning didn't bother me at all....why complain about having a legitimate reason for being late?!
  • patience is a virtue, it also happens to be a virtue that I don't have.
  • the people who decide that they price of virtually everything is going to go up can kiss my ass.....you guys suck!!
  • Friday can't get here soon enough!!!
What are you just sayin today?


Heather said...

* I have been dieting for 3 days and haven't even lost an ounce. This is when I get discouraged.

* Calories from drinks don't count. THEY DON'T. Just sayin.

* I can't wait for Friday.

Christine Pettijohn said...

At least yours ask you what they are. Mine trys to touch mine and thinks its funny. Me not so cool!

The weather being bi polar has got to go.

Whoever came up with the idea of cartoons on underwear should have prepared parents for the idea that there kid may want to pull his pants down and show everyone how cool his underwear are. Where does kids get this stuff.

Nail salons should have cheaper prices so I could afford more often to get a mani/pedi. Have not had one in a year.

Red Bud needs a taco bell or white castle.

Cassie said...

WHAT!! Only an extra 30 minutes?! You must be a line cutter. ugh. Boo to you. I signed Stella out at 7:10, got across the JB Bridge at 8;20, pulled in the parking lot at 9:06. FML.

I'm just saying...
MO drivers are ridic.
You do NOT need to stare at every accident you see. This just causes MORE accidents you idiots!
If one more person asks me if I am coming back after having my 2nd kid I am gong to tell them, HELLO this is 2011, NOT 1945. Ugh.

Meagan said...

Well, I stayed in the right lane in Columbia because it was moving a lot faster than the left one and the only time I cut was to get over to go towards the bridge. I wouldn't of minded getting to work until 9 though, it's not like I have anything to do anyways!

Nicole said...

UMMM sounds like there is something that runs in our family, PATIENCE...and not much of it. EEK!!!

Patience heather, patience! lol. I am such a hypocrite!