
Inspiring Blogs

I have a lot of, let's call it down time at work, which leaves me with nothing to do being on the Internet way too much. Seriously, there are some days when I think to myself "what else could I possibly look up" and that's how I've become addicted to the wonderful land of blogs. I couldn't even tell you how many blogs I have seen/read since I first started becoming addicted. 

At one point I took a look at the list of blogs that I "follow" and I felt kind of like a blog whore! I mean seriously, there were some many of them!! If I started reading a blog and liked one or two of the posts then I would become a follower...and most of the time I wouldn't even take another look at the blog so I decided to un-follow some. It made me feel less like a blog whore! {just between you & me, I've become a follower to more blogs since then so I'm probably right back to where I started but when I look at some people's list I don't feel like such a whore after all!!} Ok, enough with the blog whore talk, let's get back to the real reason for the post.....

I've recently come across several blogs where they talk about and share their stories of infertility and the struggles of getting pregnant. Umm...why didn't I find these a couple of months long time ago?!?! Although I'm sure we aren't dealing with infertility problems, I can completely relate to the struggles and frustrations of trying to conceive and not making any progress.

I commend these ladies for being open with what they are going through because even though I have put it all out here on blog land I still can't even talk about when people ask. I don't know why but I can't. When my hairdresser asked if we wanted any more kids I replied with "ya, eventually" and when a question was asked at a family function when we were going to have another I was beyond relieved when the subject somehow suddenly changed and I didn't have to say a word about it. So a big kuddos to these ladies for sharing their struggles every step of the way. And I've even learned more about the process that the hubs & I are currently going through from a couple of them and even though I am feeling more optimistic about everything since my last visit with the doctor, their stories help me try even harder to keep a positive outlook {which is a lot better than the previous grumpy attitude that I had}.

So if you are like me and have nothing better to do at work some down time check out these blogs....

Stealing Baby Kisses

Artificially Fertile Myrtle

From Shopping Bags to Diaper Bags

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