
Weekend Wrap Up

Why do the weekends always seem to just fly right on by?! I'm thinking that every weekend should be at least 3 days long...maybe I would get more accomplished that way?

Friday night I had bunco so the boys were left to fend for themselves...they were both breathing when I got home so apparently all went well!!

Saturday was a sleep in late, stay in your pj's all day kind of day. The boys went out for breakfast {a weekend ritual of theirs...just the boys, no mom allowed} and headed over to the grandparent's house so I could sleep in a little and let me just say that I took full advantage of it!! I ended up sleeping until 10:45 and it was great! The only productive thing I got done all day was cleaning the kitchen and not just decluttering the counters, like scrubbing everything kind of cleaning...not sure what got over me to even do it, wait a second, actually I do know what got over me...the hubs either did or said something that pissed me off & I was in the kitchen at the time so I started cleaning! I also got a little project done for the toy room so it wasn't a complete waste of a day. Saturday night Ryan was playing in a poker tournament so it was just Keegan & I and I was going to make a little "date" out of it...that is until he fell asleep around 5 as the result of not taking a nap. So I had a date with my dvr instead and got caught up on my shows....oh and I treated myself to some delivery and ate way too much. I ended the night with a book & a bubble bath....until Keegan was wide awake at 11:30, luckily he eventually fell back asleep!

Sunday was absolutely beautiful!! With the weather being amazing I made the executive decision that the laundry and cleaning could get pushed to the back burner because I was going to enjoy it!! We were outside for the majority of the day and did a little bit of everything...

We did a little bit of this...

And a little bit of this...

  A whole lot of this...

A little bit of this...

A ton of time doing this...

And I even spent some time starting a new project that involves this...

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Did you get outside and enjoy the weather?!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I love love those type of weekends!!!

We saw Ryan & Keegan at CK a couple weekends ago, it was the cutest thing ever. I was wondering where you were..but now it all makes sense :)