
30 Day Challenge: Day 15

Day 15: A picture of something you want to do before you die.
Yes, that is a person inside of a cage and yes, that is a bunch sharks around him!!

I would love, love, love to "swim" with the sharks some day!! It would definitely be something totally out of the box for me to do and I would probably have a complete anxiety attack before & during it but I think it would be an awesome experience!! It wouldn't hurt if it happened somewhere really cool too, like Australia or Fiji or some place like that!!


Adrien said...

Heck to the no! Haha. You are so much braver than I would ever be. :) I DO think it would be neat in retrospect...but...no. Couldn't do it. Actually, let's put this towards the top of "biggest fears ever" for me.

I would, however, tag along to Australia or Fiji! :)

Christine Pettijohn said...

Now that looks fun but scary at the same time. I think if I ever braved that I would be wondering if they would try and get through the cage the entire time.

Heather said...

Ohhh!!! I want to do that too!!

Mr. and Mrs. W +1 said...

Oh I would totally do that. I mean, youre in a cage... youre safe, right?

Meagan said...

Glad I'm not the only crazy person who would do it...I would hope the cage would make it safe!! lol