
30 Day Challenge: Day 17

Day 17: A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.

Not necessarily my blog in particular but all of the awesome people that I have met because of this blog {I was going to put a picture of each of you but then I thought that it might be a little creepy of me to copy and paste pictures of you all so I decided it was better to just use my blog header}!! I feel like no matter what I have to say or no matter what kind of situation I am in I can pour it all out on here and will receive all of the inspiration, "it'll get better"s, "I know exactly how you feel"s, well wishes, extra little pushes, encouragement, reminders that I'm not the only crazy person out there, great advice and whatever else it is that I might need to hear from all of you!

 So thank you to every single one of you for giving me one of those things at some point in time, you have all made an impact in my life some way, some how!! {don't worry it's all been for the better!!}


Cassie said...

awwwww - yay!!

Heather said...

Go bloggers, go bloggers!!

Adrien said...

I'll second that. :) I love you guys!

Sarah said...

I'll third it :)

We are all so much more alike than different! It's craziness. <3 you long time Meagan!!!