
30 Day Challenge: Day 18

Day 18: A picture of your biggest insecurity.
Being a 26 year old woman, I of course have multiple insecurities, I mean what woman doesn't?! If I had to pick just one that really bugs me right now it would be this...
No, that is not chicken pox! Adult acne!! I don't understand it...I went a good couple of years with having almost perfect skin with no acne whatsoever, except for the occasional pimple and all of a sudden a little over a year ago I started breaking out like a 15 year old girl!! I have tried a couple of different things and nothing has seemed to work yet. I even went to the dermatologist once to get something but what they gave me was way too strong for my apparently sensitive skin because it made my skin so raw that even my eyelids hurt...I didn't even use it on my eyelids!! And that look of having raw skin on your face is way worse than the pimples!!
Anyone else have problems with this...any suggestions as to what I can use?!?!


Adrien said...

I always had great luck with the Acne Free kit, which you can get at Walmart and other places. Proactive did nothing for me. Also, Dollar General has AMAZING makeup removers for cheap that always make my skin glow after using them. My skin actually looks better after wearing makeup and using those wipes for a few days then when I do nothing at all.

I hate pimples! My mom is 45 and she still gets them...ugh...looks like I'm doomed.

Stephanie said...

I have the same problem & I hate it! I feel like I am wayy too old to be getting pimples. I'm going to a dermatologist soon, maybe they'll have a better solution.