
30 Day Challenge: Day 22

Day 22: A picture of something you wish you were better at.

I really, really wish that I had a green thumb and was good at gardening. However, my thumb is no where close to being green, in fact I think it's more black! Seriously, I can't keep anything alive!! I dream of a beautifully landscaped yard with lots of colorful flowers around the house but I have no clue as to how to do it or what kind of flowers would be best in certain locations and I'm pretty sure I would kill them all!! Anyone willing to help a girl out?!


Heather said...

Ha...I'm with you on this one. Plants committ suicide in my care.

Adrien said...

Yeah, I know nothing about gardening, and I kill plants. It's the reason why I'm so in love with "faux" things...which sounds so much better than saying "fake!"

Nicole said...

Man, another thing that must run in the family! I can't get anything to live and I sure as hell don't know how to plant it.

Sarah said...

Lots & Lots of practice!! Every year I get a little better. Try a fern first!! They are purdy & easy to keep alive!!

Meagan said...

Glad I'm not the only person with a black thumb around here!! LOL

Sarah I've actually been thinking about getting a couple of ferns for the front porch this year!

Nicole, I don't think it entirely runs in the family, I think it just skipped our generation!!