
Confession Friday

I confess that my greatest accomplishments this week have been eating 3/4 of a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos by myself in 1 day, taking a 2 hour nap while Keegan was at school, and cleaning the bathrooms....and my house is definitely showing, this place is a disaster!! Hopefully I will start feeling better and get some movtivation back soon!!
I confess that on the days Keegan stays homes he sometimes stays in his jammies until we go outside to play....and somtimes that isn't until 4:30 or 5.

I confess that I accidentally ate some little hot dogs this morning while looking in the fridge for something to eat....whoops!! Promise I won't eat anymore meat for the rest of the day!

I confess that it kinda pisses me off that I still haven't had Papa John's yet!! And...I will only get it if I go to get it because of the stupid picketers that are in front of the store. Ryan is a union member so he won't be caught dead walking in that place, which always means that him picking it up on his way home from work for supper is out of the question!! UGH!!!

I confess that even though there are some days that Keegan drives me absolutely insane, I have fallen more in love with him a little more each day!! He is such a sweet little boy and some of the things he does or says just plan melts my heart!! Like when we were reading a book together...well he was "reading it" and I was counting, he looked at me with a big smile and said "you're doing great!!!". Kinda reassured me that all of the positive reinforcement we give him is sinking in! :)

I confess that our printer still isn't working! I've tried downloading the correct software from the website, which worked, but everytime we try to actually install the printer it fails!! I'm really starting to get aggravated that I can't print coupons....and there have been some good ones that I've missed!!

I confess that I have gotten the mail mulitple times this in my pajamas, luckily for me {and my neighbors} all I have to do is stick my hand out the door to get it!!

I confess that I was bummed when I saw the sun come out this morning....it was suppose to be rainy/stormy all day which would have meant Ryan would be home early....that didn't happen!

I confess that I'm super excited that a friend has started a new blog!! Go check it out!! Living on the Blind Side

I confess that if we don't get our "Internet situation" figured out soon, I'm going to go crazy and freak out on someone {aka my husband}.

Your turn! What are you going to confess to this week?!


Adrien said...

I confess that there are days we NEVER get out of our pajamas. (Consequently, I rarely check the mail...haha.)

I confess that while I've lived around it my whole life and have married someone with many Catholic relatives, I still don't really understand the whole "only eat fish on Fridays" during lent thing. Maybe someone can explain it to me! We had chicken for lunch. :)

Heather said...

I confess that your blog post made me terribly envious that I had to change out of my pajamas and come to work today.

Sarah said...

there is nothing wrong with wearing your pjs all day. think of it as going green. your saving the environment by doing less laundry ;)

let's have our pj party after easter. i'll bring SODA for all :)