
random thoughts

1. Keegan asked me why my stomach keeps getting bigger & bigger & bigger....and if it's going to pop. Those were his exact words....guess I gotta love the honesty!

2. I hate when I'm watching a show that is recorded and I forget that it's a recording...therefore forgetting to fast forward through the commercials. This probably happens about 75% of the time.

3. I love my husband, I really do but after one week of him being home all day I'm not sure how much longer both of us not working & being home is going to work....

4. I would say that I'm excited about football season starting....but then I would be lying to you and that's not nice.

5. If you don't already have the option of having a mobile version of your blog checked...you should do it! It's really easy to do, I can even help you if you would like!

6. If one more person asks me if we are going to try for a girl with baby #3, they just might get punched in the face. It never bothered me before when someone would ask but I'm pretty much over it now...can I get through this pregnancy & enjoy this baby before I think about having another one?!?!

7. I should consider buying stock in waffles & Sunny D, especially if I keep eating them for breakfast every.single.day.

8. The doctor that did my c-section with Keegan is no longer delivering babies....luckily I was able to pick my next favorite doctor to do my next c-section.

9. According to the forecast for next week our beautiful weather is going away, which means I'm going to have to close the windows and turn the ac back on. I really don't want to close the windows...I LOVE waking up in the morning when the house if kinda freezing from the night before.

10. Is it wierd that when I take a bubble bath I used Keegan's Sponge Bob bubbles instead of my Bath & Body Works bubbles?!?! The Sponge Bob ones just smell soooo good!!


Heather said...

Did you get your Thirty One stuff? Hope I had the right house!

Meagan said...

LOL...yes I got it, thanks again for dropping it off!! I don't think the bag you put it in was quite big enough though!!

Heather said...

Haha...you can thank my sister for that. She put them all in the same size bag. She had another party last night and I was trying to get my niece to get in the bag to see if it was big enough to carry her.

Adrien said...

I confess that our AC has been off all week, and it has been glorious! Darn it, I don't want to have to turn it back on, either!

Hehe, I would crack up if my kid asked if my stomach was going to pop. I think Evie was more weirded out when my stomach magically disappeared after having Grace. She kept looking at it like, "What happened??"