
Just Another Manic Monday...

Monday....we meet again, I can't say that I'm very happy to see you. For some reason you are always in a hurry to return into my life, therefore rushing Saturday & Sunday to go by way too fast. Just so you know, those are two of my favorite days and I would really appreciate it if the time I spend with them could go by a little slower. Thanks! Love, Me

The weekend definitely flew by way too fast and it probably didn't help that I was pretty much out of commission ALL day on Saturday! I will blame some of my friends that go by the names of Vodka, Hot Damn, Jager, and God only knows who else was involved on Friday night {now that I think about, maybe I shouldn't consider them friends} for my lack of ability to function! However, I did have a blast celebrating "Lacy's Freedom Fest" with some of the best girls I know!! We love you Lacy!!

All though I wasn't feeling great on Saturday, it was one of the BEST days! Why you ask? Well we had a visitor who brought us a present!!

We have lived in our house for  10 months and have been living with a stupid converter box with only 4 channels {we should have gotten 5 channels but the 5th one never came in}!! For a person who is addicted to watching TV, ME, that was absolutely horrible! Now I can watch some of my favorite shows again!! Like....

Just to name a few! And what is better than being able to watch my favorite shows again? Having a DVR so I can record them all! I already have it set to record one of my all time favorites:

since I won't be home to watch the season premiere!!

Keegan has enjoyed what he calls "his new TV" this weekend too, as a matter of fact, that was the first thing he asked for this morning when he woke up! And as much as Ryan doesn't want to admit it, I know he missed watching some of his shows too! Other than catching up on our favorite shows, we didn't do anything too exciting. I of course did the usual grocery shopping and laundry, which by the way I have to say I'm pretty proud of myself!! I managed to put Ryan's work clothes away after they were clean....I had to remind him this morning though so he woudn't walk downstairs thinking his clothes were there!

*On a side note....I hope everyone gets the song stuck in their head from the title of this post...I have been singing it in my head ever since I started writing this blog!!*


Adrien said...

Love the baby picture, haha. I'm so with you on the TV thing. We used to have satellite and I miss it! We still have cable, but it's just not the same. :)

Kim Luke said...

I honestly don't know how you made it 10 months!!!! Most of my evenings are spent watching my shows. I would be lost without them!!!

Meagan said...

I don't know how I did it either...I can tell you that there was A LOT of complaining!! lol