
Say What?!

It's Friday, which means it's confession day! I have to admit that I've really been thinking about what I really want to confess to you today and I came up with an endless list of possibilities! Of course I'm not going to share all of them...I've got to save some for next week right?

  • I confess that I went to Payless to see if they had any boots in Keegan's size that he can wear with his Halloween costume...they didn't have any boots but I still left with 2 new pairs of shoes!!
AND....both were for me! One pair are these cute silver flats that I only paid...drum roll please.....$2.50 for!!! I just can't resist the BOGO!!

  • I confess that I let Keegan eat fruit snacks for breakfast. True story...you know as a parent you are suppose to "pick your battles", well this is one battle I don't want to fight! He takes them to daycare almost every single day & when he doesn't take fruit snacks...he takes 3 powdered donuts, always 3 not more, not less...his rule not mine! :)

  • I confess that my house is an ab.so.lute. disaster! No really it is & it drives me insane....I knew this last night & the night before already but I haven't done anything about it. I plan on tackling it all when I get home from work today BUT I have lots of shows I need to catch up on...we shall see what I think is more important! 

  • I confess that even though all of Keegan's fish have died {yep...all of them have taken a ride down the toilet} the fish tank is still sitting in the same spot, with all of the water in it still. However, I did unplug the filter so that isn't running anymore...that counts for something right?!

  • HAHAHA!! I confess that I do stupid things like this to Keegan and then make him let me take his picture!! Hey...I'm his mom it's my job to do things to embarass him right?!

  • I confess that even though I really hate that Keegan isn't potty trained yet & even though I complain about it ALL THE TIME, we aren't really pushing the issue & haven't been very dedicated to doing it. He just isn't ready for it....well he is ready for it but he just won't do it! I know that one day he will officially be potty trained....I just don't know when that day will be! We told him that 3 year olds aren't allowed to wear diapers & that when he turns 3 he has to start going on the potty. He understands this, he told us so, he said "I go on the potty and get underwears on my butt"!! {that is word for word what he said....I love that he said "underwears"!} So in one month we will really push the whole potty training thing! 

  • I confess that I have clicked the "preview" button like 100 times while writing this post just to make sure it looks ok!!
Ok...that is enough out of me for this week! But if you want to see some more, check out these confessions...they are pretty funny!


Cassie said...

hahaha - love the picture!
don't worry, i have a very serious relationship with the preview button too. hehe.

Adrien said...

Oh, gee...don't feel bad; I have a messy house, too, only I clean the dang thing every single day. I don't know what's worse...having a mess because you decided to take a day or two off, or feeling like you've just wasted half of your day when your family destroys the place!

I confess that I was busy farting around on the computer this morning and Evie found her way onto the kitchen table, again. How in the world am I going to keep up with her and a newborn?? Haha.

Stephanie said...

I love the flats you found, what a deal! I'm so going to look for those tomorrow :)
& you are not alone on the messy house!