
Three Day Weekend

I had an unexpected three day weekend this week!
I'm not going to lie, it was nice to be able to have an extra day off work and to actually sleep in on a week day!

What I could have done without however, was a sick kid! The "sickness" came out of nowhere too! He was completely fine ALL day Saturday. He went to the park, played with his toys, helped Daddy and Grandpa lay tile {not sure how much he actually helped though} and acted completely normal. That night we decided to go out to eat, Keegan fell asleep on the way to the restaurant since he didn't take a nap during the day so he was very quiet once we got inside and sat down. We just figured that he was still tired so didn't think anything about it. Our waitress took our order, Keegan got some goldfish out to snack on and that's when it happened....

Yep....he threw up all over the table, himself and grandma....A LOT!! I cleaned up the mess and told Ryan that we were leaving NOW!! The waitress canceled our order and we were on our way out of there!! He was kinda scared about the whole incident but once we got home he was fine again!

That takes us to Sunday morning....this was the day we have been waiting for all week! It was Thomas day!! Since Keegan was acting fine we decided to go ahead and go see Thomas since the tickets were nonrefundable and it would surely put Keegan in a good mood! Keegan sat down to eat his waffle, he was just picking at it so I told him that he didn't have to eat it if he didn't want to. He sat there a little longer, drank some water and sad his tummy hurt. Within seconds of saying those words it happened again....luckily we had a bucket handy and luckily Keegan understands the meaning of the bucket now!! :) That was it....we were no longer going to see Thomas, I just couldn't risk taking him. With our luck he would have thrown up all over the train and I wasn't going to go through that!!

He was fine again all day, didn't eat much and drank lots of water {which is totally not like him but he was keeping it down}. Around midnight he came into our room, not knowing what time it was Ryan put him into our bed. We both got up to go to the bathroom {like you really needed to know that put hey, it's part of the story!} and Keegan started crying....weird. We went in there and he didn't look to good. I asked him if he needed his bucket and he said no. Well.....apparently no meant yes! He puked ALL OVER our bed and my dry clean only duvet cover!! UGH!! I swear every time this kid is sick he pukes on our bed!! Oh I love changing puke covered sheets in the middle of the night!! 

So that takes us to Monday, of course Keegan stayed home from school since he obviously wasn't feeling good, which meant I got to stay home from work!! I had all kinds of plans to get things done that I didn't do over the weekend...guess how many of them got done. NONE!! In my defense, I ended up doing other stuff...like washing my dry clean only duvet cover! Yep, I decided to take the risk and put it in the washing machine. I didn't know when I would every make it to the dry cleaners, so I had to do it. I simply put it on the delicate cycle and it came out just fine!

He must of gotten some kind of stomach bug because he never had a fever and only threw up sporadically...and only a total of 3 times. It is never fun having a sick kid/baby, but I have to admit I love all of the cuddle time and attention I get from him {he is usually a daddy's boy so it was nice to feel "needed"}!

1 comment:

Cassie said...

oh my goodness, this is horrible, but hilarious at the same time. sorry for laughing!! puking on the table at a public resturant?!!? of course. i could only imagine how you and the puke covered grandma felt. poor kid.