
Happy Birthday!!

Three years ago today my life changed in so many ways and every single one of those changes has been for the better!!

After 16 long, painful hours of a nothing but miserable labor {epidural kept wearing off & there was some vomitting throughout the day} that ended with an "emergency" c-section, a 9lb 9 oz 22 inches baby boy came into our lives and stole our hearts!

November 14, 2007

Now we have an independant, funny, laid back, fiesty, talk your ear off 3 year old little boy...nope not a baby or a toddler, he is a little boy!!

Dear Keegan,

I can't believe that it has already been 3 years since you came into our lives, seriously where has the time gone? It feels like just yesterday that you were still in my belly and I was wondering if the baby that had it's knees sticking out of the sides of my stomach was a boy or a girl {we waited to find out until you were born}.

If I was able to make your birthday wish for you, it would be for you to stop growing up so fast!! These years are flying by way too fast for my liking and I would like nothing more than to make you stay little forever! You have become such an amazing little boy! We are so very proud of you already and I know that we will only become more proud of you as you continue to grow into a young man. {and just so you know, just thinking about you becoming a young man terrifies me to death!}

I hope you have a blast at your Mickey Mouse birthday party and enjoy all of the attention that will be thrown your way today!
Happy Birthday Keegan!!

Love Mommy & Daddy

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