
Let's Make Some Confessions

Oh Friday...how I have been looking forward to you all week! I really appreciate that you let me sleep in a little bit this morning {I needed it} and I also appreciate that Keegan woke up dry this morning {he wore big boy underwear to bed}...I know you have nothing to do with that but it was nice to wake up to!!

Now that I've professed some things that don't really matter let's get to the confessions shall we?!

I confess that since Keegan wears underwear now he usually walks around the house looking like this

Yep...he can usually be found in just a shirt and underwear, no pants....for some reason he prefers it this way and as long as it means he doesn't have any accidents then so be it!

I also confess that I for some reason find it cute and love taking pictures {maybe for blackmail some day}....however he made me take this one so I could see what was on his butt!!

I confess that even though I am beyond happy that Keegan is no longer in diapers, I no longer have a legit excuse to go to Target all the time....I'm going to have to come up with another one real soon!

I confess that I let my house look like a complete disaster for 3 days after Keegan's party {with the exception of cleaning up the kitchen because a dirty kitchen is a big no-no} and as a matter of fact, his banners and balloons {which are now deflated} are still hanging up in the kitchen.

I confess that I can't resist the urge to get Keegan more clothes from TCP {The Children's Place} whenever I get awesome coupons in my inbox....for a second I seriously contemplated not getting emails from them anymore because it is just way too much temptation for me....that second came and went, I'm still receiving emails!! BUT....in my offense I only use the really good ones so I get some awesome deals like this for example...

Keegan now has a new pair of flip-flops for next summer and I only paid 75 cents for them!! I mean HELLO....of course I'm going to buy a ton of stuff with deals like this! And luckily Ryan hasn't realized how much I've actually bought so far....it probably helps that I only buy a little at a time but if he knew he would have a fit!

I confess that I already know what both Keegan & I will be wearing for Thanksgiving...well I have it narrowed down for Keegan and will probably decide for sure that day...Ryan on the other hand can decide for himself but I already know that he will ask me to iron a shirt for him 5 minutes before we have to leave the house. And you better believe that my outfit will include these cute things!

Ok....now it's your turn to confess a little something!!


Heather said...

I confess that I wear jeans more than once before I wash them because I seriously hate going to the Laundromat.

I confess that I am secretly wishing for Bristol Palin to win Dancing with the Stars just to watch all the political people wig out and demand the show be cancelled.

I confess that I don't live with any kids, but once in a while you can find Wizards of Waverly Place or some Disney movie playing on my TV.

Ashley Mitchell said...

I confess that my son too walks around in shirt and undies the second we get home. He just likes it.

I confess that when I cleaned up my sons room today, I shoved most of the toys in the play tent Heather got him for his bday last year. :)

Stephanie said...

I confess that trash day is Tuesday & Friday, yet we only put ours out once every other week. (please don't judge me! it sits in the trash cans in the garage, but we're too lazy to take it out)

I confess that I had the option to leave work 2 hours early today, but I chose to stay because I know my husband is cleaning the house right now & I'd rather let him do it all than go home & help.

Heather said...

I have another confession.

I confess that even though I refuse to listen to Christmas musice before Thanksgiving and I think it's just plain wrong...I have watched probably 5 or 6 Christmas movies on Hallmark already. And have another 7 or 8 set to record.

Meagan said...

these confessions are hilarious ladies!! thanks for sharing!!