
I'm Too Young For This!!

Over the past couple of months...{ok, ok since about May} I've noticed some changes going on....and not good changes!!

At the end of April, Ryan & I went to Vegas to celebrate our one year anniversary. Before the trip everything was normal and we were just trotting along like we always do. It was probably a couple of weeks after our trip that I noticed something going on.....

My clothes weren't quite fitting the same way they use to {and no, it wasn't due to being preggo because I'm obviously not!}. It wasn't a huge deal, I mean my actual weight never went up and my clothes still fit, they were just a little more snug then before. Well the problem never got better and more clothes started to not fit and I was eventually left with having to go buy new stuff! I know what you are thinking....."girl, you need to start working out".

Here's the kicker....nothing about what I was doing changed! My eating habits stayed the same and the amount of exercise that I did was the same {and yes it is a very minimal amount}!


Well on Thanksgiving something was brought up through girl talk and I mentioned what I was dealing with and that's when my Aunt looked at me and said "it's because you've had a baby and it's your age".....she said something else but I quite listening after she said it was my age!

Ummm.....I'm only 25!! I'm pretty sure the look on my face said exactly what I was thinking because she then said "I know you're still young & only 25 but trust me it really has to do with your age and it only gets worse after you turn 30, and then it gets even worse after you turn 40".

Really?!?!  I mean seriously...I've always heard that once you turned 30 it was all down hill and hard to maintain weight, etc., etc. BUT I still have 5 more years until I'm 30 {ok more like 4 years and a couple of months but still}!!


I guess my new year's resolution for 2011 will be the same as the other 58373947 people throughout the world that say they are going to lose weight.....looks like I have some changes to make and I'm not necessarily thrilled about it!!

And the whole reasoning behind me posting this today is because I put on a pair of dress pants this morning that I never use to wear because they are kinda long and a little loose.....they now fit almost perfectly, a little snug but they fit. UGH!!

I got this e-mail yesterday & thought it was hilarious...not to mention if fits my problem to a T!

What is a calorie?

Calories are the little bastards that get into your wardrobe at night and sew your clothes tighter.

My closet is infested with the little shits!!

This is worse than bed bugs!


Stephanie said...

I'm with you on the resolution. Don't feel bad, I'm 25 too with no kids & I think I have the same problem :(
p.s. love your new blog header picture thing :)

Adrien said...

Bah ha! Love the email. I've always heard that it was at 40 that everything was downhill...boo! I don't care what age "downhill" is I don't want to wake up one morning and think there's nothing I can do to stop the inevitable. The good thing for us is that we're young enough still to lose a little weight a lot more easily than we will five or ten years from now!

Meagan said...

Getting old sucks!! And I do agree with you Adrien, still being young will definitely help with losing the weight...at least I hope it will!! :) It's just that I've never had to worry about it before and I didn't think I would have to for a couple more years! =/

Thanks Stephanie!!