
so gross....

Let me start off my saying I HATE bugs! All kinds of bugs, I don't discriminate against one in particular, my hatred for them is equal!

I got up from my desk to grab a file out of a filing cabinet in a different room, came back to my desk and saw this....

Apparently there was a cock roach under my desk....right by my feet! I must of smashed it with the wheels on my chair because I checked the bottom of my shoes and they are clean. This totally grosses me out, it could of crawled on me!! I'm going to be freaked out for the rest of the day!


Heather said...

LOL...I once had a spider dangling in front of my face from the web that it made in the light fixture above my chair. Talk about heeby geebys.

By the way, love the new blog.

Meagan said...

Great...now I'm going to be watching for spiders coming down from the light that is right above my head too!!

Thanks!! It needed some changes!