
Oh Yes....I Confess

Is it just me or has this week taken foorrrreeeevvvvveeerrrrr to finally get over with?!?! I wish every week was like last week and I only had to work 3 days!!

Nothing too exciting has happened over the past week but I'm sure I can get some half way decent confessions out of myself for you to enjoy!!

I confess that I totally convinced Keegan that he wanted pancakes from McDonald's for breakfast the other morning because then I would have an excuse to get myself a caramel mocha...which by the way is one of my new favorite obsessions!!

I confess that the green couches that Ryan picked out are slowly starting to grow on me but I still think about how amazing the red would have looked with the gray walls every single time I'm in the basement.

I confess that I'm still going to throw some zebra print stuff into the decor in the basement!! And I'm starting with this ca-ute Scentsy warmer!!

I confess that when I ordered my our Christmas cards the other day I decided to use a family picture from when we had them taken back in May for a couple of reasons: 1. I had an awesome tan {it might of been fake but it was awesome} then, 2. my face didn't look like I stuffed 20 marshmallows into my checks like it does in the most recent family pics, and 3. our outfits matched the design of the card I picked out!! YES....I am THAT person who matched our picture to the colors of the card design!!

I confess that I'm going to buy myself an extra little Christmas present since I got a 25% off coupon from Coach in the mail the other day....I'm thinking a cute wallet to go with my cute new purse!! {And yes I already have the wallet picked out, I just need to go get it!}

I confess that I haven't done my "exercises" that the chiropractor told me to do one single time yet this week.....and I've been popping my neck. I have all of next week to get back on track before I have to go see him again!

Told that there wasn't anything too exciting or juicy to spill....but that doesn't mean that you can't confess some juicy stuff!!


Heather said...

I confess that I found a new blog that I LOVE and I have been sitting here at work reading the archives for the past 6 hours while I make my labels and files for 2011.

I confess that I am secretly looking forward to my procedures on Monday because I don't have to get up until 10 AM! and I get to go home afterwards and do nothing but lay on the couch and read a book. And not feel guilty.

Stephanie said...

I confess that this weekend I will probably stay up until 3a.m. or later just because I can. (that's become a weekend tradition at our house) 2 weeks ago we stayed up until 5 a.m. catching up on Private Practice.