
Four Years Later

Today is the day that Ryan and I "officially" became a couple....well not today today, today four years ago. Weird to think that we have only been together for 4 years and our son is 3 years and 2 months, isn't it?! {I'll let you do the math on that one!!}

Today is a day I will never forget, not just because it's the day we became "official" but because of the way it happened. Let me do a little rundown on how it went....

We were at Ryan's brother-in-law's birthday party. {Yep, we had only been "talking" to each other & had gone on some dates for 2 weeks and I already got invited to a family event...well it was friends & family and now that I think about it, I don't think I actually met his parents or younger sister that night} I already knew his older sister & brother-in-law since they were good friends with my aunt & uncle {who were at the party also}, so going to the party wasn't too awkward.

We were sitting at the same table as my aunt & uncle and naturally he was giving Ryan a hard time. Then came the question "so what are you guys?" Umm...I had no idea, we had only been "seeing" each other for a couple of weeks and we were pretty content with where we were. Pretty sure we both looked at each other and said "I don't know".

Later on in the night, Ryan & I were standing by ourselves talking and the conversation went a little like this....

Me "so what are we?"
Ryan "I don't know, what do you want to be?"
Me "I don't know, what do you want to be?"
Ryan "I don't care, we can be whatever you want to be"
Me "Well I'm not going to make the decision by myself"
A little silence
Ryan "So....do you want to be my girlfriend?"
Me {laughing at him} "Ya, I guess"

HAHAHAHA....you would think we were in high school or something at the time based off of that conversation!! Oh well, I love it and I will definitely always remember it!!

Happy four years Babe...I love you!!


Nicole said...

AWWWW you guys are too cute and i love the picture! Also I am so proud of you two...you have raised a wonderful little and have grown to be such a great couple!!! I am so happy to have Ryan in our family too ;-) Love you guys!

sblind2 said...

That just gave me the goosebumps!!! How Sweet!!!