
Good Times & Not So Good Times

Another weekend has come and gone and just like every other weekend, we had some good things and bad things happen around our house.

Highlights of the weekend:
  • I finally had the chance to get to my aunt's house to pick up the hall tree that she was giving us!! She recently moved and had no where to put it so it now has a new home...I'm still not sure where I'm going to put it exactly but I'm sure I will find a great spot for it!!
  • We actually went out to eat as a family to a restaurant that has real, non-plastic silverware!! We went to Logan's Roadhouse on Saturday and it was really good,we had only been there once before, when Keegan was only a couple of months old, and I don't know why we haven't went back until now! Have you been there before? It is one of the places where they have peanuts on each table and you throw the shells on the floor...Keegan loved that! He didn't actually eat the peanuts so we just let him throw them on the floor...which actually means hurling them across the room but the tables next to us were empty so no one got hit!
  • I went to Wal-Mart yesterday and the cashier scanned a $2 off coupon twice!! Then when I paid he gave me ALL of my coupons back...sweet!! I used like 10 coupons, granted some of them expire in a couple of days but half of them don't expire for a while which means I get to use them again!!
  •  We went to Bed Bath & Beyond after dinner {which just happens to be my 2nd favorite store ever} to get one of those atomic clocks that shows the outside temp on it {Ryan's bday present} and whatever else I could find that I thought we might need! Well as soon as we walked in they had a cart with clearance stuff on it and Ryan happened to see these plates....

which just so happens to match the plate set we have at home! Then he turned it over and saw this....

Umm...98 cents?!?! There were 5 plates sitting there all for only 98 cents each so we picked them up {even though we already have 12 sets at home}. And what's better than paying 98 cents for a plate?!

Paying 65 cents per plate!! Yep, after the coupon each plate came out to only 65 cents each!! After we bought them Ryan said "now I won't be so worried if I end up breaking a plate!"

Not so good moments of the weekend:
  • On Saturday Ryan's truck "broke down". It still starts and you can drive it but it sounds kinda scary! It turns out that the thing that the spark plugs go into is completely stripped and the spark plug won't stay put! They were right outside of Hecker when this happened and they ended up having to tow it back to town! Keegan thought that is was really cool and said "I'm going to tell all of my friends that Daddy's truck broke down!" LOL On Sunday, Ryan and his dad tried to fix it with some kit thing that they bought but it didn't work! That's just great....if we take it somewhere to get fixed it's going to cost a couple thousand dollars because the entire engine has to be taken out!! We have no idea what we are going to do with it but no matter what we do it's going to cost us some money that I would rather not spend!!
  • Friday night I was miserable! My headache came back, I was nauseous, my back was killing me, I had a fever...I pretty much felt like complete shit and even cried about it!!
  • I didn't get any of the cleaning done around the house. However, I will now have something to do when I'm stuck at home because my butt will not be driving to work if we get all of this ice and snow they are talking about...well as long as we don't have a big power outage then I will be able to get the cleaning done!


Adrien said...

Yay for plates! :) I was thinking the same thing as you...if we DO get snowed in, at least my house will be spotless!

So sorry to hear about Ryan's truck. Boo! But Keegan is hilarious. :)

Heather said...

Okay...so I'm looking at the picture of the back of the plates and it says "missing parts" as the reason.

WTF? What other part is there besides the actual PLATE?

Meagan said...

I didn't understand that either!! My guess would be that someone returned a set and some of the pieces were missing, like the bowls or the smaller plates...but there were 5 plates and they come in sets with 4 of everything.