
30 Day Challenge: Day 7

Day 7: A picture of your most treasured item.

This is the quilt that my grandpa gave us for our wedding. It's not just an ordinary quilt though, the stitching in the middle of it was done by my grandma before she passed away. My grandpa had the stitching part and had someone else actually put the quilt together before our wedding. My grandma is a very big part of who I am and will always have a special place in my heart so when I found out that she was actually a part of this quilt there were lots of tears shed {happy tears of course} and it instantly became something of importance to me. I will always treasure this little piece of my grandma!!  


Nicole said...

That is awesome...I didn't know that!!! Freeda Whelan gave me a quilt that she won at the St. Patrick's Bingo but was made by grandma before she passed away. I also cherish that quilt :-) My quilt rack broke in the move though so I don't have it out...I need to find a new one fast!

Cassie said...

Love it!

I always remember your Grandma from church. So well put together. Always beautiful.

Nicole said...

AWW Cassie that is the sweetest thing ever and you couldn't have said it any better! You brought tears to my eyes when I read that.

Meagan said...

So true Cassie, she was the best! It brought tears to my eyes too!