
30 Day Challenge:Catching Up

Go figure, when I finally decided to jump on the bandwagon and do the 30 day challenge was when the computer stopped working, just my luck! Now I will be playing catch up...and hopefully all in one post...maybe. Now I just have to figure out which days I missed....I'm pretty sure that I should be on day 6 by now, let's get started huh?

Day 3: A picture of the cast from your favorite show.

Can I just say that coming from a person who loves watching TV this just might be one of the hardest ones!! I have sooo many favorite shows...maybe I will do just 3 of them.

I'm going to cheat a little and combine these two as one show, I mean there is no Teen Mom without 16 & Pregnant anyways right?

Desperate Housewives...all time favorite!! I've seen every.single.episode...literally!

Love, love, love this show!! It makes me cry one second and laugh my ass off the next!!

Day 4: A picture of your night

So...I don't have a picture of this one. Bad I know...but let me create a mental picture for you {that still counts right?}

Ryan & Keegan sitting in the recliner playing with the new computer, Keegan laughing because he can see himself on the computer thanks to the built-in web cam, me curled up on the couch with a blanket watching TV praying to God that he will make my headache go away. Then the clock strikes 9 and my butt goes straight to bed...I even made Keegan come give me a hug & kiss goodnight so I wouldn't have to get up and go to his room.

That pretty much sums it up! {side note: I searched for a picture of "laying on a couch" and the result was a bunch of half naked chicks...which is why I gave you a mental note of my night because I was not half naked while laying on the couch!}

Day 5: A picture of your favorite memory.

I have lots of great memories but this one might top them all {besides the day Keegan was born but all of those pictures are on the old computer so I can't put them up}. The day I married my best friend and our family became "official". Look at how little Keegan is....and those chubby cheeks and little pumas...so cute!!

Day 6: A picture of a person you would love to trade places with for a day.

Not going to lie, this one is kinda hard! There a plenty of people that are coming to mind with this but then I think "do they really have that good of a life that I would want to be them for a day". We always think that the grass is always greener on the other side but in most cases it really isn't, which is why I choose...

Yep...Keegan!! I mean who wouldn't want to be a kid again for a day?! No responsibilities just being a 3 year old running around playing with all my favorite toys, eating food other people cook, having no worries in the world except wondering where exactly that one train is or when I can go outside to play, watching cartoons, finding things funny that grown ups don't, getting lost in the land of make believe and being purely innocent & unaware of all the bad things happening in the world. Seriously, who wanted want that for a day, what grown up has such a real smile of enjoyment like that from throwing leaves up in the air?! Plus, maybe I would have a better understanding of what life is really like from his point of view.


Adrien said...

Love your choice for who to trade places with! I'd love to be Evie for a day!

Sarah said...

Day 3: LOVE all those shows withhhh the exception of Desperate Housewives. I don't get it Meagan..I just don't get it haha.

Day 4: Thank you for not posting a picture of a naked woman on a couch!!!

Day 5: I love the picture :)

Day 6: YES!!! I want to be Luke for a day. Or maybe even his father. They are pretty similar :P

Nicole said...

You are so right about being a 3 year old again. Remember when we used to fight over the bugs bunny plate and who got to ride in the front seat when were with grandma?? Gosh, to get upset over things like that again :-)

Meagan said...

Sarah, I can't explain my obsession with DH and honestly sometimes I feel like an old lady because I watch it!

Glad to hear I'm not the only one who would want to be 3 again for a day!!

OMG Nicole, I forgot all about that plate!! Wonder what happened to it?!

Nicole said...

I don't know but I would love to find it!