
Confession Friday

I confess.....

*that I'm going to take a nap today! I'm tired and starting to get a headache and my couch, pillow & blanket are all screaming my name...and Keegan isn't home!!
*that I plan on giving up soda for Lent....which is crazy!! I'm seriously addicted to soda, besides coffee it's the only thing that I drink. I can totally do it but I'm starting to think that I should give something else up!

*that I'm no longer a working woman, at least until I can find a great place to start working at, which will hopefully happen sooner rather than later!
*that Keegan will be going to daycare for two days a week while I'm not working. He really needs to go so he doesn't get completely out of routine or get too use to staying home....he doesn't do good with change and if we took him out completely I have a feeling it would be hard when he would start going back.

*that I feel bad that Keegan can't go to daycare all 5 days during the week. I'm going to love spending time with him but I feel so guilty that he is going to be missing out on so much stuff when he isn't there, especially not being able to play his is bffs all the time. 

*that walking through Target and Kohl's this morning was complete torture. Seriously, Target is not a good place for me to go when I need to watch how much money I'm spending! =/
Your turn...what are you going to confess this week?!


Cassie said...

not working?!!? i hope it's all a good thing!! best of luck and yay for all the good news today.
p.s. - your mil did not look happy sitting in the parking lot of dyc today. baha, i just had to laugh. oh mil's aren't they just great.....

Heather said...

I confess that I am very thankful that I have a job, and I am very sad that you don't...but I'm just a bit jealous that you are off today cause the temp outside is amazing.

Christine Pettijohn said...

Sorry about the job and congrats on the news from the previous post.

Meagan said...

that's too funny Cassie....she's not really a morning person!! I actually get along with her pretty good...come to think of it I think she likes me more than she likes Ryan! lol