

Any takers on who wants to guess what HSG stands for?! I bet you never would have guessed that the real name is Hysterosalpingogram...unless of course you already knew what it meant, then you would have guessed that. And in case any of you have no idea what an HSG is, it is the procedure that I get to have done to check my tubes to make sure that they are not blocked therefore not allowing my eggs to drop. In simple terms, the procedure consists of me laying on a table with my legs spread apart {in the radiology department of the hospital} while my doctor puts a tube inside of me and injects dye into my uterus. All while taking xrays of it all to see where the dye goes....if it goes up my tubes then no blockage, if it doesn't go anywhere then blockage. {Here is the breakdown of everything according to WebMD} Sounds fun right?! Let me tell ya I'm freakin excited about it! You don't have to lie, you're jealous that I get to do it and you don't!! Honestly, I'm not really looking forward to it but that's what I'll be doing on Friday....yay me!! And of course this is the only thing that I have really been thinking about since the procedure was scheduled on Monday.

Speaking of Monday....it was a complete FML kind of day! First thing in the morning I called the doctor's office to schedule the procedure because it can only be done within 7-10 days from the day you start your period and I was told to call the day I started unless it was on the weekend then call Monday, which of course it was Saturday so there goes two days wasted. So needless to say we are in a time crunch to get it done. Friday is day 7 leaving next Monday the last possible day to get it done but my doctor is in meetings on Monday and couldn't do it, Thursday he is scheduled for a c-section and of course Friday is his day off so she had to talk to him to see what he wanted to do. She called back and said Friday it is....yep, my doc is doing this on his day off, how sweet! She said she there is a list of do's & don'ts that she is sending me...yada yada yada....and then she says "Do you know if your insurances cover infertility?" Umm....I have no freakin idea. Then she goes on to say that she has to put infertility down as the reason for the procedure since we have been trying to get pregnant for longer than a year and that I should call to see if the insurance covers it or not because if it doesn't we will have to pay for it out of pocket. And then she tells me I can't drive myself home afterwards....I'm sorry what?!?! It's not like I'm having surgery or getting knocked out or anything....now I have to find someone to drive me to the hospital bright and early Friday morning. Getting any idea on how the day is going so far?!

I'm not going to lie, when she labeled it as infertility my heart sank a little. I guess I never really considered it as that before....I mean I didn't really think of myself as "infertile", maybe I was just in denial about it all.

So I call my insurance companies...yes, I have two. I called Ryan's insurance first because his is a lot better than mine and I figured that if his covers it than it doesn't really matter if mine does or not. I asked "does our benefits cover infertility?" and the tone of her voice changed and said "I'm sorry but it doesn't cover anything for infertility". No biggie, I still have my insurance to call....um, ya got the same exact answer from them. FML We pay God knows how much money to these companies for health insurance and when we really need it, it's no good and pretty much useless to us. That's just fanfreakintastic. I do some research to try to find out how much this procedure is going to drain us and it pretty much depends on where you get it done so I called the doctors office to find out....let's just say I wasn't very happy with the number they gave me, plus there will be a fee from the hospital too....of course there is, why wouldn't there be?

Oh, there's more! Monday was the day that the hubs was going to do his part of the whole process...who know, giving a "sample". There were all kinds of rules and guidelines so he decided to just take "it" to the lab at Red Bud Hospital.....I know, I know should have known better than that but it was just the lab, how much could go wrong with that? HA...I called Monday morning because we were told that he had to have an appointment, talked to the lady in the lab and she said no real appointment, they just needed to know when to expect it. Ok, I told her that it would probably be towards the end of the day and she said no problem. Wrong!! He gets there around 4 to register & get a sterile cup and the guy said "We can't do it today, you have to have "it" here before noon."  and went on to tell him some other stuff that we never heard before. WTF?!?! She did not tell me that on the phone AND he took of work for this!! When he called me and told me this I literally just broke down and started crying...while driving home. Seriously, what else could go wrong? I mean, we are dealing with a certain time frame and if everything doesn't get done within the selected time we have to wait until next month to do it all. He called up to Memorial and they reassured him of everything we already knew so he went there instead. Never going to RB Hospital for anything ever again!

Then yesterday morning the lady I talked to at my doctor's office on Monday called and asked if I had talked to my insurance companies. I told her that I did and that neither one covers anything to do with infertility. Then she said "well do you want to cancel Friday then?" Um....NO!! I informed her that we will be paying for it ourselves. Why on earth would I want to cancel the procedure when it has to be done to figure out what the deal is with not being able to get pregnant?!?! Trust me, I'm not happy with having to pay that much money for the doctor to shove a tube up me and inject dye into my uterus but it's been over a year and at this point I will do whatever it takes to get pregnant!!!

Plus, on my way home I have to stop by the pharmacy to pick up the antibiotics that I have to take for the next couple of days because the HSG can cause infections, so as a precaution I have to take the medicine so I don't get an infection. Wonder if our insurance will cover that? I'm sure it won't cover the medicine that I will have to take that will help me ovulate more...and from what I read about that it's not cheap either! UGH!! Seriously, does anyone know where I can find a freakin money tree?!


Heather said...

Deep breath girl, deep breath!! That totally sucks that you have to go through all of this but look at it this way...You know that you're not infertile. You know that it can be done. You just might need a little push to make it happen. Would any of us really appreciate the good stuff we have if we didn't have to struggle to get it?

sblind2 said...

Good Luck, Girl! I've really been thinking about you guys a lot through all of this...and since you didn't want it brought up to your face (which is totally understandable) I just wanted you to know that! Anything we can do to help you guys let us know!! XOXO

Meagan said...

So true Heather, I need to keep reminding myself of that! The outcome will definitely be worth all of this...whenever the outcome decides to happen! lol And I know that I am already extremely lucky for the beautiful, healthy 3 year old I have running around...even when he is driving me crazy!!

Thanks Sarah, that really means a lot!!