
I'm just sayin....

*I will never understand why old people drive minivans!

*gas prices suck

*I feel like I'm completely behind in blog land since I don't sit in front of a computer for 8 hours out of the day

*I haven't had soda in a week and I don't really miss it! *gasp* I can't believe I just said that!

*no matter how much I do around the house, the work is never done

*it's amazing how putting on make up and fixing your hair can make you feel so good about yourself!

*the girls on Teen Mom never cease to amaze me!
*the time change has done wonders...Keegan has been sleeping later than he ever has before!

*I totally pulled off the poufy ponytail look today! I have tried many times to get this look and have failed every single time....I have no idea how I got it to look like this, it was pretty much an accident! Can I do it again, probably not but God I hope so!


Heather said...

Love the hair! I can't pull of that look either. Makes my face look like a baby whale's face.

Cassie said...

yay for the pouf!!

i don't get this weather. snow just two days ago and tonight i am thinking about going on a walk with my daughter. crazy!!

Adrien said...

I love your hair, too! I can NEVER get a good pouf...it's always bumpy and blech. And I agree about the makeup!

Meagan said...

Thanks ladies!!! I'm just hoping I can get my hair to look like this again...the pouf I got down no problem, it's the combination of the pouf & ponytail that I have a problem with!

Nicole said...

LOL!!! you are cracking me up today! I also love the hair and love when I can pull that look off too. I will tell you that a small toothed comb helps me pull it off. I also hate these hate the gas prices! I can't imagine what I would be forking out if I still worked in STL.

I am just sayin that having a new job kind of sucks sometimes...times like today when I can't/shouldn't take off to go drinking at the St. Patty's day parade.

Also can you girls PLEASE fill me in on what BLECH and PTL means. Yes I know, I am lamo!

Heather said...

Nicole...say BLECH out loud while making a scrunchy face like you just ate something gross. Kind of like BLAH but in a grossed out way.

And I'm pretty sure PTL is praise the lord...but that's a Cassie one so she would have to validate that.