
Weekend Wrap Up

Once again this weekend flew right on by and now we have crappy weather Monday to start off the week. WooHoo!! 

I'm a little late with the blog post today because I've started a new project! Can't tell you what it is yet but I will give you a hint...it has something to do with this....

a sander and lots of patience!! I'm giving myself until Friday to finish it and I already have most of it done so I think I might be able to meet my deadline!!

Anyways, back to our weekend. On Friday Keegan spent the day with Grandma because she asked if she could "kidnap" him & I said "sure, why not!". Plus, with Keegan out of the house I was able to get my plans done for the day. Or should I say plan because the only thing that I did was clean! I think it it was the sun shining down that got my butt in gear because after a couple of cloudy days I was getting pretty lazy! So I opened the windows and did nothing but clean, I don't think the house has ever been that clean {which I can't decide if that is a good thing or a bad thing}.

Since Saturday was warm & sunny again Keegan & I headed outside. His goal: to play and run around, my goal: to clean the windows. Um, ya I know what you are thinking, way to be ambitious! Seriously, I don't know what got into me, I don't think I have ever cleaned windows before, well outside windows at least. I used one of these....
Have you used one before?! It was my first time using it and I gotta say I wasn't too impressed! Well, it kinda worked, the bottom part of the windows turned out ok but the half moon shaped windows we have look like crap!! I think it might of had something to do with our crappy hose & crappy water pressure coming out of it!! And can I just add that putting screens back up should not be so freakin' hard! Ugh, seriously I think it took me longer to put those stupid things up then it did to clean all of the windows!! I'm pretty sure that if any of my neighbors were watching they were getting a good laugh!! 

Saturday night we had a little fire in our fire pit, roasted marshmallows {which was when I crowned myself to be the "best marshmallow roaster" of our family} and Keegan played in the dark. Not sure what he liked more, playing in the dark or getting to pee outside by the tree! Oh yes, he has been introduced to peeing outside....let's just hope the neighbors don't see!

On Sunday the boys went fishing and I slept in!! It was sooo nice to be able to sleep in because to say that I have been sleeping like crap lately is an understatement. While the boys were gone I watched a couple of chick flicks, had an at home pedicure {which really only consisted of painting my toes} and made some banana bread. That's right, I made banana bread, from scratch! {Thanks again for the recipe Adrien!!} And if you don't mind, I'm going to toot my own horn a little because it came out unbelievably delicious!! I seriously don't know why I haven't made this sooner!!

My bananas went from this... 

to this....

to this...

Do you see the color of that?! It's practically perfect!!

And of course a shot of the inside...
Again...it looks perfect!! As far as the taste of it...perfect!! I gotta say, I'm pretty proud of myself for it turning out so perfectly, especially since I've never made any kind of bread before...and it was from scratch! {told you I was going to toot my own horn!!}

In case any of you are wanting to try making your own, here is the recipe that Adrien shared with me. It is super easy! Just a couple of side notes though...I used my mixer so I didn't use separate bowls like it says to except for mashing the bananas, my butter wasn't room temperature {I don't have the patience to wait for that} it was melted in the microwave for about 30 seconds, I didn't put butter in the pan either...nonstick cooking spray worked just fine and a little birdie told me that they didn't have baking powder on hand so they eliminated it and it still turned out!! Oh...and I definitely didn't wait for it to cool down completely before cutting off a slice and trying it out!! I really should bake more often!! :) Ok, I'm done with all the fantastic banana bread talk!!


Adrien said...

Good, huh?? Glad it turned out for you! And I can't wait to see the project! I'm a sucker for a good project. :)

Heather said...

You guys are killing me with all of your baking. I'm sitting here eating a fiber bar for breakfast...and then I see that yummy bread. KILLINGME!

Cassie said...

Awesome job on the bread! Sounds like a good weekend!!

Ashley Mitchell said...

I think I need some banana bread. YUM!