
Jumping on the Bandwagon

I'm giving in and joining the rest of the group of my blog friends that are doing the 30 day challenge. Basically you post a picture for 30 days and each day has a different meaning.  Sounds pretty easy right?! Well see how easy it really is though...especially since I have hard time narrowing things down and making up my mind.

I have created a page that lists what each day is....watch out, things are getting fancy around here with adding pages and all!! HA, this blog is anything but fancy!!

Here goes nothing!!

Day One: A picture of yourself with 10 facts 

1. Finding a decent picture of just me was a challenge in itself..which is why you are getting a picture from my wedding day!!

2. I can not for the life of me paint my own fingernails! I've tried & tired but for some reason I just can't do it!!

3. The only time I make our bed is when people are coming over or when I put clean sheets on....same goes for Keegan's bed.

4. If I am having a fish sandwich I like it with tartar sauce, if I'm just eating pieces of fish I like it with ketchup. 

5. I'm very indecisive.

6. I still pout when I don't get my way...sometimes, not all the time!

7. I sometimes snort when I laugh.

8. I prefer heels over flats 9 times out of 10...except for flip flops, they win all of the time!

9. I haven't rode a bike since I don't even know when...let's just say it has been lots of years!

10. I have a bad habit of buying things and then taken them back, a lot! Specifically clothes, I tend to not try them on before I buy them and when I get home & put it on I change my mind about it and take it back.


Heather said...

Welcome to the challenge! I was wondering when you would give in!

Cassie said...

YAY! Fun.
I'm the same way with fish!!

Adrien said...

I gave up years ago on trying to put color on my fingernails. I'm not great at it, and when it starts to chip (which mine does within hours of painting it on) it drives me batty! Now I just wear a nude color (for french manicures) and I love it!

I snort, too. :)

Christine Pettijohn said...

I dont make are bed either unless people come over and I also snort when I laugh. Vince makesfun of me all the time for it.

Sarah said...

Ditto to 3, 4, and 6!!!!

About the whole painting nails delima... have you seen those nail polish PENS?? Well, I got one a couple weeks ago & it is freakin magic!!