
Stylish Blogger Award

A big thank you to Sarah over at Keeping Up With the Roscows for passing this nice little award on over to me!! I gotta say, I'm kinda flattered!

So now I get to share 7 random things about myself with you, let's see if I can think of some things that I haven't already shared.

1. I don't like pie, well I like peach pie but that's about it. Oh and cheesecake since that is technically a "pie".

2. I organize my closet by sleeveless shirts, short sleeve shirts, long sleeve shirts then dresses but only my half of the closet, the hubs side is all mixed up because when I have organized his side he never keeps it going so I pretty much gave up on it.

3. I don't know how to drive a stick shift and frankly, I don't really want to know how. Why would I want to drive a car where I have to worry about shifting the gears & pushing in the clutch at the right time when I can drive a car by simply putting it in drive and going?!

4. I hate watching the previews before movies!! Whenever we rent movies it goes straight to the main menu!

5. I love garlic! It's by far my favorite spice ever and I add it to pretty much anything that will taste good with some added to it.

6. I might be one of the only people on this planet that doesn't have an ipod or any form of it.

7. I'm pretty anal when it comes to how things are done and things being in the right spot. Seriously, Ryan will not dust the house because he knows I will just go behind him and move everything. I'm trying to get better at things not being done the way I would like them to but it is definitely a work in progress!!

Now I get to pass the award on to someone else!! I'm going to hand it over to Sarah over at Living on the Blind Side. She has one of the cutest little boys ever and always has lots of cool things to share...go check her out!!

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