
oh baby....

You see that poll over there on the left?! The one where people voted if they thought the baby was a boy or a girl. Well it turns out that the majority of the people thought that I was having a little girl and the majority of the people were.......wrong!!!

It's a BOY!!!

And there was no mistake, it is definitely all boy!!

We are very excited but I'm not going to lie, I'm still kinda in shock!! I never in a million years thought that I would be a mommy of two little boys but God knows best I guess! Plus, the ring test came out as girl so that's what we both had in our minds the whole time but as I told my mom this just means that I was meant to be a princess since I will be the only girl in the house!

Keegan however was not so excited at first! He had his heart set on a little girl that's for sure! He was so excited throughout the entire ultrasound and once she said "boy" he immediately turned his head around and his lip went out! He was pissed! He wouldn't talk to anyone and he even had big 'ol crocodile tears in his eyes....he came around the the idea of having a brother though was he was told that he can wrestle with him and teach him how to pee outside and that girls can't do that! He is pretty excited now but he wants to name his brother Goofy and well that just isn't going to happen!!

The baby looks great and already weighs 12 ounces! I will be having another ultrasound in 4 weeks though because one of the kidneys was a tad bit bigger than the other one so they want to watch that and make sure that it doesn't continue to grow bigger. Other than that everything is going pretty smoothly and moving right along. The doctor did say that I was measuring at 21 weeks and I'm really only going to be 20 tomorrow but when I told him how big Keegan was when he was born he said "Oh, you just make them big then don't you?!" So it looks like this will be another big boy! Now we just have to agree on a name, which just might take the rest of the pregnancy to do!! So if you have any ideas/suggestions please feel free to share them!


Heather said...

I'm pretty partial to Goofy myself.

Sarah said...

You know I'm grinning ear to ear reading this post :D!!!!!

That's funny about the princess comment. It's the exact same thing I said after finding out about both the boys. Down deep, I don't know if I'll ever be ready to give up the princess role lol.

Soooooooo happy for you!!!! EEEEK :):):)

Meagan said...

Heather, whatever you do don't tell Keegan that!!

I knew you would be the most excited about it Sarah!!

Cassie said...

awwwweeee - yay!! that's so exciting!!

ha i love that you said, you can teach your brother to pee outside. ha. too cute!!

best of luck and yay for all these boys. i can just see all of us at the football games together. so excited!!

Adrien said...

I'm cracking up over Goofy! I was wondering about how Keegan would take it. I've never heard of a boy wanting a little sister so badly; I still think that's super cute! They'll be best buds!

Stephanie said...

Keegan's reaction is too funny! I agree on the princess thing, in my house it's 3 boy dogs, my husband, & me. Being the only girl is pretty fun :)