
little man's room

Here's a peek into the little man's bedroom! As of right now the painting is done, the furniture is in and the closet has gotten a complete makeover {no pictures of that until I get it all organized}.

Here is the view as you look in from the door....

left side of the room....

I'm on the hunt for a little side table {preferably round} to put in between the chair & crib. I plan on getting the lamp that matches the bedding set to put on the table for all of those late night feedings! Let me just add that finding a table that is reasonably priced is a lot harder than I thought it would be. Seriously, the price of a little side table is a bit ridic!! So, if anyone knows where I should look for a decent priced table let me know!! I was thinking maybe checking out Goodwill for a little diy project....or maybe Home Goods {because I really, really, really want to go there} but I don't know where the nearest one is!

right side of the room....


the mutli-colored triangle valance came with the bedding and I just added a plan chocolate brown one under it because I didn't like the way it looked with just the triangles

crib with the bedding...

Just going to throw this out there....the mobile being where it is drives me absolutely crazy!! They really should be able to come up with some kind of new mobile system that works better with convertible style cribs....it would have fit on the back but it looked.....stupid!! It was sooo freakin high that it practically went half way up the wall!

Inside of the crib....

Yes, I'm well aware that you shouldn't use bumpers in the crib {I don't need anyone to tell me that} however, Keegan had them when he was in the crib and he turned out just fine. He also slept on his tummy with a blanket {gasp}......let's just say that I'm not one that follows every.single.recommendation that is thrown out there and he is now a healthy 3 1/2 year old. Plus, the bumpers came with the bedding set, what am I going to do just pile them away in the closet somewhere?! I don't think so!! {Ok, I'm done with all that now.}

I'm on the hunt for some cute nautical themed stuff to put up on the walls {which is a lot harder than it seems it would be}. After searching high & low I think I have found some winners {thanks to e-bay} but I can't make up my mind on which ones I want!! Once he actually has a name, I plan on putting that up on one of the walls too. I'm tossing around the idea of possibly some shelves also but we will see! I also would rather have dark colored furniture but that is the stuff we had with Keegan and besides some scratches from using it with him for almost three years, it's in perfectly good condition so we definitely were not going to spend the extra money on new furniture.

Oh, and those stripes....pain in the butt!!! It probably wouldn't have been soo bad if we didn't have textured walls but we do so we had to do a couple of extra steps. First, we painted all of the walls blue then Ryan measured out the stripes and taped them. After they were taped we had to take the blue paint and brush is against the tape, wait until it was almost dry then paint the brown. Doing the blue first prevented the brown from bleeding through the tape causing very uneven lines. Even with doing it that way there were still some spots where the brown bleed through so I went back with a little paint brush and touched up every.single.spot with the blue paint!! Needless to say, I was DONE with painting after all of that!!


Christine Pettijohn said...

I love the way the room turned out!

Meagan said...


Cassie said...

it looks great!!
and i'm right with you on team bumper!! we are bumper users and my kid turned out just fine too!

Sarah said...

LOVE it!!

Try Wicks & Country..they are going out of business & I have always found really cute tables there!!

I'm sooo happy to hear someone else's baby slept on their belly too, phew :)

Meagan said...

Yay for team bumpers!!!

I never thought of checking there Sarah...I'm going to have to take a look!!

Adrien said...

Love it all! Textured walls can be such a pain. If we ever build I want flat walls! Yep, we're pro bumpers and belly sleeping over here. I remember being so frustrated when I was pregnant with Evie and reading everything I could get my hands on...my books would list 100 reasons why belly sleeping is so much better and more comfortable for baby, but then it was followed up by, "but don't do it." Now they're realizing that chemicals in old mattresses are the biggest contributors to SIDS and all that junk, and that problem is solved with a mattress cover. (Babies who sleep on their bellies are more likely to breathe in the chemicals, and that's why they've blamed SIDS on belly sleeping. Countries where mattress covers are required have virtually no SIDS cases.) They used to say ONLY place baby on their belly because if they spit up in their sleep they could choke on it. Yeah, sorry for the novel, haha.

Heather said...

So so so so cute!!! Loving the colors. The nearest Home Goods is in Kirkwood, but I wouldn't suggest looking for cheap furniture there. That was the one thing I noticed wasn't very low in the price area.

Stephanie said...

SO cute! I love the stripes! The bedding is adorable too :)

Kim Luke said...

The room looks great!! I am very jealous how much more you have done than me! lol