
What I've been up to...

I completely forgot how time consuming a newborn is, for the past five weeks my days have consisted of sleeping, nursing or pumping/feeding, changing diapers, laundry, trying to catch up on housework plus all of the holiday stuff thrown into the mix! I'm lucky if I actually sit down to get on the computer once or twice a week...hence the lack of posts! I have been able to keep up with everyone's blogs though, thanks to late night feedings and my phone....which is always why I haven't commented on any posts in for.ev.er....in fact I couldn't even tell you what any of the blogs look like anymore because it has been soooo long since I have read any using the computer!

I'm going to really try to step it up a bit and start posting on a regular basis again!


Sarah said...

Yay! You're alive ;)

No worries. I am just now starting to get a little free time here & there with two kids it is almost impossible. Loved the birth announcement! Luke walks by the fridge & goes "aww baby Carson"

Miss you!!

Kim Luke said...

Woo! Missed you!!
I swear I went to your blog TODAY and thought, man I miss her and haven't heard much on Carson!!!
Get your rest, we'll still be here when you get time :)

Heather said...

Whoohoo!!! Thought you gave up on blogging!

Adrien said...

Can't believe I missed this update! Carson is soo cute, and I can't wait until you're able to blog regularly again. Miss you!

Stephanie said...

He's SO cute! congrats!