
2 Months & 2 Cans of Corn

After having Carson I thought that all of the baby weight would magically disappear since I was going to be breastfeeding. Oh how I was so wrong about that, so so wrong. Granted I did lose a good chunk of the baby weight but once I got to 157 the number stayed there and the scale wasn't moving...at all. So much for breastfeeding to help lose weight....and to those that bf and actually do lose weight, you suck & I'm super jealous of you!! I felt and looked fat, nothing that I owned fit me and I refused to buy clothes in sizes that I've never worn before in my life so I decided to actually try to lose weight for once instead of just complaining about the way I looked. The only problem was that I had a streak of starting something similar and it only lasting a couple days, maybe a week, so I needed to find something that I would/could stick with.

I starting using myfitnesspal and keeping tracking of my calories. And when I say keeping track of my calories, I mean every little thing that went into my mouth I entered it in. Even if it was just one powdered donut. I starting looking at serving sizes and calories on every single thing, which also meant that I started measuring or weighing every single thing. No joke, every time I put butter on my toast I measure it out first. My measuring cups/spoons have never been used more. Hopefully it will get to the point where I don't need to measure or weigh everything but for right now I do because it's working. I also started switching little things, like whole wheat bread instead of white, ground turkey {on occasions} instead of ground beef, light mayo instead of the real {good} stuff and the 90 calorie Fiber One brownies instead of the oh so amazing Little Debbie ones. After the first week of counting calories & measuring everything I lost 2 pounds....2 pounds in one week!! That was the kind of immediate change I needed to keep me motivated...well that and people saying things about how much weight I've lost and the hubby telling me that he is proud of me!

 That was 2 months ago and I have lost 17 pounds so far...only 5 more to go until my goal weight!! And I gotta say, I'm pretty proud of myself for sticking with it and making a change for the better. I still eat things that I love like tacos, spaghetti, sloppy joes, cheeseburgers and well pretty much everything, I just cook it a little healthier and watch how much I'm eating of it. The hardest part of it all is without a doubt, self control. Especially when you have a husband and a 4 year who eat whatever they want, whenever they want but seeing how much I could weigh after completing my "diary" everyday keeps me motivated. 

Clothes are fitting better and I'm more comfortable with myself but I feel like I still look like I weigh more than I actually do so I need to start actually working out too {besides going on walks} so I can tighten and firm things up...specifically this belly that my two wonderful children have ever so kindly helped me get! That's where Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred comes into play. I've had it for years but have actually done it once and after seeing the results that this lady got from doing it I decided to suck it up and try it out.

Last night was the first time that I did it and holy crap, I thought I was going to die! Ryan was pretty much laughing at how out of breath I was just from doing those damn jumping jacks......I despise jumping jacks!! I managed to survive through all 20 minutes of it and actually already did it this morning for day 2. Not going to lie though, I thought I was seriously going to die today and those bitches on the video don't even break out in a sweat. The "beginner" chick's abs were all shiny at one point but I'm pretty sure they just rubbed some oil on them to make it look like she was sweating. And my trusty hand weights while doing this....

 Two cans of corn! I don't have any actual hand weights and it's better than nothing...not to mention that my arms are a little sore from using these! I'm determined to finish the whole 30 days, without skipping any days. Maybe if I do, I will let myself use one of these babies...


Cassie said...

way to go!! That's so awesome!

i am going to have to admit, i use canned goods as weights too. ptl i'm not the only one!

Heather said...

Oh, the jumping jacks...they made me throw things at my TV.

Ashley Mitchell said...

Good job girl!

Adrien said...

Good for you! That DQ coupon book is sitting on our counter taunting me...I just need to chuck that thing in the trash can.

Meagan said...

Thanks ladies!!

Meagan said...

I should throw ours away too BUT I'm not going to! ;)

Beth said...

Good for you! I also plateaued, and in a crying fit (not in a bratty way, in a more I hate myself way)somehow persuaded my husband to get me a treadmill. Now that I'm putting the effort in, thanks for this motivational post!

Meagan said...

Lucky you...I tried doing that to get an eliptical but my husband didn't go for it!

Kim Luke said...

Great job Meagan!! I agree, MFP works if you don't cheat yourself!!!
I'm jealous you are 5 pounds from your goal. that is amazing!!!

never thought to use corn. I used my shampoo and conditioner bottles. lol
whatever works :)

Meagan said...

Thanks Kim!! You have nothing to be jealous of...look at how much you have lost!!

I might have to try the shampoo & conditioner when I'm ready for some more weight!!