
I'm it....

Well, well, well....guess you thought you would never see one of these from me again huh?! I'm pretty sure that I win the worst blogger award all around. Not going to lie, I just haven't felt like blogging and this is my first time on blogger since I don't know when. I still read other blogs like crazy but I do it all from my phone, usually while feeding Carson or pumping, which is also why I don't comment on other blogs anymore either. 

BUT....I'm starting to kinda miss blogging and I'm thinking that I want to start doing it again on a somewhat regular basis {not making any promises though} and what better way to get back into things than getting tagged from Heather and having to answer some questions. {I'm going to attempt to add her fancy dancy button that she has now....here is my apology in advance if it doesn't work Heather!!}

<center><a href="http://chroniclesofanindependentspinster.blogspot.com" target="_blank"><img alt="Chronicles Of An Independent Spinster" src="http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h480/HeatherRahn/button.jpg"/></a></center>

Onto the questions:

1. If you could pick any career in the world to have, what would it be?
hmmm....I'm not really sure but I think it would be fun to be an interior decorator. What's better than getting paid to spend other people's money?!
2. Do you think I have a chance with Adam Levine?
 Absofreakinlutely! And if it does ever happen I need you to promise me that I can touch his abs whenever I want! ;)
3. Would you ever consider living abroad?
If I was single with no kids, absolutely but since I'm married with kids not so much.
4. If you could change something about your home, for free, what would it be?
Everything....is getting a new house an option?!
5. Are you a glass half empty or half full kind of person?
Definitely depends on what kind of mood I'm in but usually half full.
6. What was the last trophy you won?
I don't think I've ever gotten a trophy.....
7. If you won the lottery, who would you tell first?
hmmm....probably Ryan....or my mom
8. Would you rather raise your kids in the city or country?
This is something I keep going back & forth on. I can see the advantages & disadvantages of both and I have no clue which one I want to do!

9. If there was no one to see what kind of car you drove, would you still drive what you have or something cheaper?
I would keep what I have.
10. What inspires you?
My boys would be the obvious answer but I think my mom does the most. 
11. What song would you sing in the shower right now?
Honestly....the backyardigans theme song. It's the last "song" that I heard and I have it stuck in my head.

According to the rules, I'm suppose to tag 11 people & come up with 11 questions for them to answer but since eveyr single person I would tag has already been tagged I'm not going to do that....not to mention I have typed most of this with only one hand & it's starting to hurt! Thanks for tagging me Heather!!


Adrien said...

Girl, I miss you! I didn't even know you were breastfeeding/pumping. Good for you! But yes, it does make getting on the computer hard. :/

I think being an interior decorator would be an awesome job, only I'm not that good at it myself, haha. I think it's amazing what someone who knows what they're doing can do!

Heather said...

Yay!!!!!! Glad to have you back girl! Thanks for playing along...and if I have Adam Levine in my house, I'm going to be selling tickets to touch his shit :)

Meagan said...

Thanks ladies...I feel the love!!

Heather that is hilarious and a great idea! Do you know how much you money you could make doing that?! btw..how the hell do I get your button to show up?

Heather said...

When you are typing up a blog post, switch to the Edit HTML tab at the top and paste the code there. Then when you go back to the other tab, it should show up. If not just save the button as a picture and post it that way.