
A Little Bit of Everything

I totally meant to do Confession Friday last week but I was gone pretty much all day and never had time to actually sit down and do it. One of these days I will get back to confessing my heart out to you guys! In the meantime I will fill you in on some randoms that have been happening around here lately.

I'm planning on having a yard sale to get rid of some of the crap stuff we have laying around taking up much needed space and while going through some things I found some toe rings...remember when everyone use to wear those things all.the.time?! I couldn't even tell you the last time I wore one but I was pretty excited about it so I put it on but I can't decide if it is still "cool" to wear or not.

Ignore the crappy outgrown pedi....so yay or nay on the toe ring?! I still have it on & still can't decide if I'm going to actually wear it all summer or not.

Carson is 4 months old now!! I know, I know...he is already 4 months old and I've only posted one picture of him on here, no need to fear though, I've got lots of pictures to catch you up on! Here is the chunky monkey at his 4 month well visit....

Seriously, what happened to my little newborn baby?!?!

While doing the 30 day shred one day Keegan decided that he wanted to do it with me! At first he was using some of his cars as his "weights" but decided that he wanted some like me so he came back with these....

Whatever works! I just wish I would have gotten him on video of trying to do everything! It was hilarious!!

We are starting to introduce solids to Carson....

Carrots were a hit but the peas....he actually cried, with real tears after I asked him if he wanted more after I gave him a couple of bites! Guess we will try those again some other time.

I made another wreath for the front door. It is similar to the one I made last fall but this time I used patterned fabric and instead of a foam "wreath" I used a flat metal one...which was much easier to work with. And the fabric, I kinda cheated with that, I bought a pack that was pre-cut that I found at Wal-Mart. I did end up cutting them some more but it was definitely better than all the cutting I did last time.

I went with a black/yellow/gray/white theme because I'm pretty much obsessed with those colors right now and I figured the yellow would be a good spring/summer color. I had a couple of strips of fabric leftover so I used one to hang the P in the middle. 

I have officially gotten my first tan lines of the year. Yes, it is only April 1st and I already have tan lines just from being outside washing the car! This blows my mind for a couple of reasons, 1. it's only April 1st and we are having summer like weather and 2. I never get color this easy! I'm thinking I might be spending some more time outside if I'm going to "tan" this easy!!

And just in case anyone was wondering, no I did not win the mega millions


Kim Luke said...

Absolutely LOVE the wreath!!!

sblind2 said...

Your blog is not letting me leave comments either...UGH

I like the toe ring, not sure if they are still in or not, blc I'm old and can never keep up. Wear it and bring it back! =)

The wreath is super cute! You should sell them! I'd buy one...