
Who Needs Sleep?

Ahh, Monday morning. Who doesn't love getting up bright and early on a Monday morning. I for one do not, however my children both decided that they needed to wake up before 6 this morning. I'm not exactly sure what time Keegan actually got up but when I heard Carson at 5:50 this morning Keegan was already playing Mario Kart. So by 7:50 this morning Carson had 2 bottles, a container of baby food and was already down for his morning nap, while Keegan had already ate breakfast and was on his 1973684 different game on the wii and I was on my second cup of coffee {I usually on drink one a day}, ate breakfast, unloaded & loaded the dishwasher and picked stuff up around the house. Now here I sit in front of the computer drinking my coffee and fantasizing about being cuddled up in my bed getting some shut eye while in reality I really need to get a ton of picture frames off of the floor before another one gets sat on. 

Up on all fours rocking back & forth....slow down!!
Let's do a little recap of our weekend since I can't manage to think of anything else to share with all of you!

Friday was a pretty typical night for us, we stayed home, I didn't cook and we all played way too much Super Mario Bros. I can't decide if I want to love or hate that game. We actually rented it from red box on Wednesday and decided to keep longer than a day because Ryan & I were too consumed with playing it and trying to beat the different levels. I don't know how people can play video games for a long period of time, my thumbs hurt for two days straight! Back to Friday night, while Keegan was playing we had the following conversation:

K: stupid fireballs
M: we really shouldn't say words like that
K: can we say fuckin?
M: what?!
K: fuckin
M: umm.....NO!!

Someone has been listening to their father a little too much!! 

going for a jeep ride
Saturday I went shopping with my step-mom to help her pick some stuff out for their house. Can I just say that I love shopping for home decor things! I seriously could have bought half of hobby lobby but I refrained from doing so because the wrath of Ryan isn't worth it. I did however by Keegan some new letters for his room, you know to put his name up on his wall, and when I got I home I realized that I didn't get an "n". What I thought was the "n" turned out to be a "u", thank you to whoever decided to put the "u" in the wrong spot, I greatly appreciate it. 

Yesterday, of course was mother's day and my one request was to sleep in. I request this every year and I always get woken up for breakfast, which is nice but I told Ryan to not wake me up at all, even if they made breakfast, I just wanted to sleep. I did manage to stay in bed until 10:15 but I didn't get to sleep the whole time because I was woken up about every 20 minutes to Carson crying & screaming. Thankfully I got him to take a nap when I got out of bed, guess he just wanted his mommy! The rest of the day was spent just being kinda lazy and spending time with family. I of course ended my day with the series finale of Desperate Housewives...which is so sad. I've watched every single episode since the show started, I really don't know what I'm going to do on Sunday nights now!

My mother's day present from Keegan

He told Ryan that he wanted to get me that so I can play catch with him and I gotta say, he did a good job, it's a really cute glove!


Sarah said...

That is the sweetest, most thoughtful gift ever :)

Ashley Mitchell said...

Mason was up at 5:30 too. They just love us so much they want to see us as early as possible. :)

Heather said...

Awwww...love the gift! I saw that "fuckin" conversation on Facebook and about peed myself.

Adrien said...

Love that gift, too! Hobby Lobby is one giant temptation for me. I have to go in soon to get stuff for Evie's birthday...it's a dangerous, dangerous place. :)

Meagan said...

He is a pretty good gift giver, even if everything he gives people benefits him in some way! lol

Adrien, I have to go back to return my "u" and a couple other things that didn't work out the way I hoped...let me know if you want to maybe make a girls trip out of it!