
The Wheels on the Bus

I have a couple of posts that I'm working on but most of my pics are on the computer at home & I felt like I needed to post something before people start thinking that I'm going to go MIA for another 6 months!

Carson is NOT a fan of being in the car, never has been probably never will be. He is getting better but there are definitely times that he lets you know that he is not happy about being strapped in the car seat. Then Keegan usually saves the day! Seriously, he really does. I could not ask for a better big brother for Carson because he is just that good at his "job" and Carson thinks he is the funniest person ever. Whenever Carson starts with one of his fits in the car Keegan starts singing to him and this is what happens {make sure your volume is turned up}....

Yes, I'm aware that it is sideways, I may or may not have been recording while driving!


Cassie said...

awwwwww!! isn't that just the best. they are going to be the best of friends. too cute!!

Christine Pettijohn said...

So cute!

Adrien said...

Eee- I bet Keegan loves that he can make Carson laugh like that! Nothing better than a baby laugh!

Heather said...

That totally just made my day!!!

henning love said...

thats so sweet how his old brother helps out his younger brother!!