
Remember Me

No, no you don't need to go get your eyes checked. Believe it or not I did in fact blog. It may have taken me almost 1.5 years to do it but better late than never right? I've thought about starting back up again for quite some time but never got around to it because.....well I' not really sure why. Guess I just didn't know where to pick back up at. But it's time to start again, I miss it. 

I miss writing. 
I miss the connections with people. 
I miss having my own little corner to vent, brag, share, look back at life.
I miss the writing. {yep repeated that one}

Let's play a little catch up on what has happened the last year and half, huh?


 -turned 5, then turned 6
-started KINDERGARTEN....and is almost finished with it
-played soccer for the first time {and I think fell in love}
-learned how to read
-went to six flags for the first time
-has become "that kid" that is friends with everyone
-made a new year's resolution to "go to the movies more"


-turned 1, then turned 2
-has become obsessed with Mickey
-is obviously no longer a baby
-is in full on "terrible two" mode
-knows how to get what he wants, when he wants it
-has become ridiculously addicted to daddy
-went on his first airplane ride

The Parents

-drove 1500 miles one way through an ice storm & a snow storm with two kids
-then drove another 1500 miles to go back home
-bought an apartment building & became landlords
-tried not to kill each other
-I ran a couple of 5k's....then I stopped running altogether and gained the weight back that I lost
-have made their relationship a priority again {this is so hard to do with kids involved}

I'm really looking forward to blogging on a regular basis again!


Heather said...

Ummm YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad to have some company on the "Blogger once again" train!!

sblind2 said...

Love the new blog look or wait has it always that cute ... I can't recall in 1.5 yrs (kidding)

Sarah said...

You have no idea how happy I am right meow! I started back up too! I miss my girls. Facebook just doesn't cut it. xoxo

Adrien said...

I remember you! :D Haha. Welcome back!