
Give Me That Money Honey

With my birthday coming up {on Sunday in case you were wondering} I'm really starting to feel down on myself. I'm not one of those people who embraces getting older, I'm just not. And the fact that I will be 29 makes it even worse. Just thinking about this being the last year in my 20's makes me break out in hives. 

I mean how can I be this close to being 30 already?! I don't feel like I should be close to turning 30. In fact I was telling Ryan the other day that I feel like I should still be like 25 or 26. Why? I have no idea. 

Maybe it's because I'm not exactly where I thought I would be by this time my in life.
Maybe it's because I don't feel like a grown up.
Maybe I'm just in denial.
Maybe it's because I'm not comfortable in my own body.
 Maybe it's a combination of all of them.

I've been thinking about it and it is time for me to make a change and become happy with myself. Being 29 is going to be the year that I get back to running/working out, eating healthy and finally reaching my goal when I first started on the whole lose the baby weight thing. I got really close to it at one point. Then I stopped running, then I slowly started to eat whatever the hell I wanted to again....then some weight came back on and my new "skinny" clothes were getting tight. 

I have tried to start over again, do good for a couple of days then right back to stuffing my face with anything & everything. Then my birthday started getting closer and I was like well I'm not going to start now, I'm going to enjoy my birthday! So, next Monday is the official start over day. Just one problem, I lack the motivation to stay with it & have no accountability to keep me going.

That is where DietBet comes into play. I've heard of it & have seen people talk about it on blogs & Instagram but I've never tried it & I'm preparing to no longer be a dietbetter virgin. Darci over at StronglyFeminine is hosting a dietbet that starts on Monday & I'm hoping that this will be just what I need to stay on track. The dietbet lasts for 4 weeks with a $25 pay in. The goal is to lose 4% of your body weight in those 4 weeks with checking in periodically & at the end of the 4 weeks whoever has reached their goal will split the pot! What better motivation is there than winning some money?! Looking for an extra push to stay on track & lose a couple of pounds?! Join the dietbet, we can help keep each other on track! The pot is up to $450 right now! Click HERE to join! It's time to feel good & look good in my clothes...and to have the confidence to work those bikinis in my drawer this summer!

But for the time being, I'm going to continue to eat & feel like crap, including a huge plate of nachos & a pitcher of margs tonight & out tomorrow for my birthday.  Oh, and I'm going to buy myself a new digital scale. Thinking it's time to get out of the stone age with our old analog scale.


Heather said...

I'm sorry...but I for one would kill to have your body. I think you look great!!

And I think that feeling like you are 25 or 26 is a good thing. You know the saying "You are only as old as you feel". Believe me...you do not want to feel 30. Shit starts to break.

But good for you for wanting to make a change! I can't wait to see how the DietBet turns out. Maybe I'll do one if you like it.

Jackie said...

Age doesn't bother me at all...but I told Eli that at the age of 30 I want to be okay with my body (for the first time ever). Not sure what it is about 30! I think you look great...but there is a diffrence of being thin and feeling good/strong! I never got it till about Sept/Nov of last year. I love challenges it makes it all the more fun! I am doing one at Flex right now! If you ever want to run let me know...or if you want to try Flex! Good Luck you will do great!!!

Erin @ Happily Obsessed said...

I heard of dietbet for the first time while preggo - I may have to join this!!!

Adrien said...

I don't want to turn 29 this year, either. For the longest time I had no problems with 30. Now that I'm getting closer, i'm like a screaming child who doesn't want to leave the party..."I don't wanna go!!!"

Good luck with your goals!!