
Weekend Wrap Up

Oh hey, it's Monday again, anyone else draggin because of the time change? It usually doesn't affect me too much but trust me when I say that I did not want to get out of bed this morning, then again I struggle with that every morning. Plus, today is the day that the dietbet starts so I'm cutting calories like crazy & trying to eat as clean as possible so it's very likely that that has something to do with wanting to just be able to crawl back into bad and hide under the blankets.

Back to the weekend wrap up huh? My weekends always start on Thursdays since I don't work on Fridays so we'll start there.

My boss was out & about running errands on Thursday & came back to the office with a little treat for me & the boys. Two chocolate, a carrot cake & a spiced cake cupcakes. OMG they were delicious!
Side note, Keegan was eating the carrot cake one when he said that there was lettuce in it. I laughed then told him that it was carrots, not lettuce and he said "there's carrots in this??". Um ya bud, it is carrot cake! Ended the night with margs & nachos, great start to the weekend!

Friday Ryan & I went out to eat for my birthday. If you are local to me you HAVE to try Gianinos in SoCo if you have never been. It is seriously to die for! I highly recommend the Sicilian Steak, it's breaded on the outside then grilled with a garlic butter sauce and I always get portabello's on top. And their house salad, to die for. And yes, I ate a steak on a Friday during lent. I've done worse things! ;) After dinner we decided to just head home & actually be able to sit on the couch & watch tv, something that wasn't cartoons or power rangers. I also tried to teach Ryan how to take a selfie {he actually asked me what that meant the other day, I just stared at him like he was out of his mind}.

 Saturday was a lazy kind of day. Laid around, took a nap, ate entirely too much junk. Oh and I picked up my new lace shorts from STS. I got the black & I'm pretty sure I need the mint now. Seriously in love with them, even if Ryan said that they look like something you would mop the floor with {said the guy who didn't know what a selfie was}. 

Sunday was shopping & getting ready for the week. I gotta say, turning 29 wasn't too terribly bad I got some pretty great gifts! 

My mom knows me so well, a new coach purse & coffee!

Ryan cheated & combined my birthday gift with my Valentine's & anniversary gifts but I'm not really complaining at all! Not only did I finally get a right hand ring {that I've been asking for for about 3 years} but I got two! He also surprised me with a gift card to use for some new perfume because I was complaining that I was almost out.

While out shopping we decided to pick up one of these babies. Actually, it's because we saw the infomercial on Saturday morning & Ryan decided we should get it because apparently he's going to eat healthy with me now. So far I've only made one drink {a meal replacement}, 1 serving of chocolate protein powder, 1 banana, 1 tbsp peanut butter & 1.5 cups of almond milk. Think I might add some ice next time just to make it cold, it was a little on the warm side but so so good! Have any good recipes you recommend?! I'm new to this whole thing but you better believe I've already searched pinterest! And where do I find flax seeds at?!


Heather said...

You are making me want to go home tonight and bust out some Jillian. Keep wanting to do it, but now I just don't know where to fit it in to my daily schedule and still get sleep!

Heather said...

Oh, and Cheeks got a baby bullet for baby food...just might have to bust that out and make some smoothies. Let me know if you come across any really good recipes!

Sarah said...

I'm so happy you had a great birthday weekend!! Sounds perfect to me :)

And Trav has no idea what a selfie is either. Trying to explain to him the other day that I follow people on IG that I really don't "know"... he was mind blown.